Thursday, December 30, 2010
People With Hiv Are Sick More Often
Normally, the man is happy about everything that is new, unless it comes from the federal government. Of course, it also makes us a little scared, but curious. It's a start. The new is tried, must be safeguarded, but you do not know how it behaves in the long run. This is really something for the adventurous spirit in us.
Look forward to the new year?
Actually I see no reason. It would be nice if we could draw a line and the old year was done. But unfortunately, our joy is on the New ruined by the fact that we have to carry the burdens of the old year with the new year into it. By then we realize that we are being shown us with the promising new year slightly.
1582, the Church, that Pope Gregory the 13th the Gregorian calendar set up and since then, does the new annual rhythm, always the same. If we purchase a new home or a new car, so we know what to expect: new structures.
But what is new in the new year? It begins, as always, with January and ends with December. In spring, the trees sprout in summer it is usually wam, in Fall, we get the famous winter storms and the cold butt, and snow, I almost forgot. The new Gregorian calendar for the past 400 years shall specify the length of the average calendar year of 365.2425 days. Then we can rely on, so nothing new. The beginning of the calendar year offers little surprising, considering that everything is already set, and the politicians are threatening us for months so that we should dress warmly. Hopefully we do not have to expect them, since there is never a great joy. The science also offers us nothing comforting, it threatens us with environmental disasters, heat and cold, with storms and floods. Sure However, we already know each Sunday, we know how long the months, we know when we have a birthday, know the data of all the holidays, yes, many have already planned ahead and know when to make their holidays. Then we can rely on at least.
There's nothing surprising, except for one small thing we do not have the slightest idea what kind of unexpected content of the new year has in store for us. However, we find that there is definitely something to celebrate New Year's Eve. Although I do not know exactly, we look forward to the new year, and we celebrate the fact that we are rid of the old year? That would actually understand that, because we know exactly what we are going if we are really going on (see above), while we have no idea what to expect in the new year for us. Since everything is open, it can happen all wonderful experiences, but also gratifying things unexpected disasters. We suspect they might and that is why we sell our fear of fireworks, firecrackers and alcohol use and then start the new year with a headache and hangover.
Well then, Happy New Year.
What Are Some Good Games For Ti 84
If anyone is looking for resolutions for next year, here are a few originals by Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer (1899-1986):
If I could live my life over again.
In the next life would I try to make more mistakes
I would not want to be so perfect.
I would relax more.
I would be a little crazier than I've been there,
I would take a lot less things so seriously.
I would not live as healthy.
I would risk more, travel more, see
sunsets, more climbing, swimming in rivers
I one of those smart people,
had spent every minute of their lives fruitful.
course I had moments of joy, but when I start
again could
I would try to have many more good moments.
If you know it yet: there
from those namely life,
only moments - do not forget the present.
If I could live again, I would go
from early spring to
until late autumn, barefoot.
And I would play more with children,
if I had the life ahead of me.
But see, I'm 85 years old and knows
that I will die soon.
Happy New Year.
If anyone is looking for resolutions for next year, here are a few originals by Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer (1899-1986):
If I could live my life over again.
In the next life would I try to make more mistakes
I would not want to be so perfect.
I would relax more.
I would be a little crazier than I've been there,
I would take a lot less things so seriously.
I would not live as healthy.
I would risk more, travel more, see
sunsets, more climbing, swimming in rivers
I one of those smart people,
had spent every minute of their lives fruitful.
course I had moments of joy, but when I start
again could
I would try to have many more good moments.
If you know it yet: there
from those namely life,
only moments - do not forget the present.
If I could live again, I would go
from early spring to
until late autumn, barefoot.
And I would play more with children,
if I had the life ahead of me.
But see, I'm 85 years old and knows
that I will die soon.
Happy New Year.
How Long Does A Fatty Liver Take To Recover
picture-book weather
Since yesterday we have beautiful winter weather, and I constantly feel that really is the end of January, shortly before the New Year. At times it seems to me right funny that in the living room the Christmas tree still stands.
Since yesterday the weather here is beautiful, Which makes me feel like rather than the end of January last days of december.
This is certainly of the glorious sunshine, the bitter cold and sparkling glittering snow. Such weather is with us here for New Year's rather unusual, there was more because the last years of continuous rain and mild temperatures.
This is surely because of the lovely sunshine, the extreme cold and the sparkling and glimmering snow everywhere. A weather we usually have only at the end of January, when winter is on it's highest point, during the last years around Christmas it was raining more often with smooth temperatures.
The huge forest walks are fun, so beautiful, we can see the animal tracks and guessing who that was well, today I've had it (I think) even a fox track seen. Only the shots of the mountain above me remind you that once again the New Year has started shooting at the hunters and we therefore continue to turn down our laps. In addition, the snow is frozen so solid that we now can walk on it, rather than up to the knees in his sink.
Since yesterday the weather here is beautiful, Which makes me feel like rather than the end of January last days of december.
This is surely because of the lovely sunshine, the extreme cold and the sparkling and glimmering snow everywhere. A weather we usually have only at the end of January, when winter is on it's highest point, during the last years around Christmas it was raining more often with smooth temperatures.
Our daily walks are marvelous quiet now, the snow is frozen and so we could comfortably walk on it instead of sinking into it Kneehigh. There are a lot of animal trails in the snow and I think today we have seen a fox trail and of course a lot of rabbits and deers. The hunters here started their New Year's shooting, so there are garden every now and then heard shots from the top of our hills and we stood and walked only better near our own.
evening I am now back to the knitting, and a January child is what you want for your birthday. And a new dark blue cap, and a pillow case, and so on. I get all the course never finished in January, but I think it's nice if I can do something, what he really wants.
you wish ich einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und glückliches Neues Jahr! Mögen die Dinge, die ihr euch vorgenommen habt, mit denen ihr liebäugelt und die ihr euch von Herzen wünscht in Erfüllung gehen!
At the evenings I am knitting socks, it is a birthday wish for January. Also a new navy hat, a second cushion cover, and and and. I will never ever manage this all for the birthday, but I love if someone dear lets me know what he or she really loves to be given and I am happy having the opportunity to make presents by my own.
I am wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year! May whatever you wish from the bottom of your hearts, your intentions and the things you fancy be fulfilled and come true!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How To Clean Whiteg Shock?
peace on earth
ringing the bells, the Christmas tree shines in the bright light, Christmas. "Lord give us peace," the pastor asks the pulpit. Is man capable of peace for ever? The condition that no one envies anyone something that none of something no one desires.
he is conceivable in the Urveranlagung
of man in general? Is not the same as for humans, the approach to peace with the approach of death? Is the peace of death itself?
The sacred and solemn atmosphere of a church service for me much of a funeral. The peace that is sought here seems to be an emotionless, motionless state of torpor.
One question: Should
living man without joy.
joy of movement needs to express himself; movement of the mind and body. On the edge of the joy of living but high spirits, the pointed word, bad word. Joy moved Misgunst, Misgunst creates discord.
man should live without joy?
We all speak of peace on earth.
We all want peace on earth.
mind you, on earth, not lower the earth.
What kind, then, is our peace?
Do we want peace because they will leave us alone. No one should interfere with our parties.
is something no one ask of us to ask, attack us because we do not give give?
Heist peace that those who are worse off than we are to remain peaceful or
must do, not covetous eyes on us or call
Is our demand for peace with no more than the desire
, inequality and injustice the motto "God's will" to make?
No, no and again no, I hear. All
have not we meant. All we have
not wanted.
The peace which we think is good.
People should try to understand each other, help each other, to tolerate. How is this possible? Now there are even many different cultures, different languages, different beliefs.
are all proud proud of your culture
proud of their language
to YOUR religion.
you do not then the pure talk.
Heist peace at the end can only really alone?
"Lord give us peace," the pastor asks the pulpit. Is
man for ever peace-able?
ringing the bells, the Christmas tree shines in the bright light, Christmas. "Lord give us peace," the pastor asks the pulpit. Is man capable of peace for ever? The condition that no one envies anyone something that none of something no one desires.
he is conceivable in the Urveranlagung
of man in general? Is not the same as for humans, the approach to peace with the approach of death? Is the peace of death itself?
The sacred and solemn atmosphere of a church service for me much of a funeral. The peace that is sought here seems to be an emotionless, motionless state of torpor.
One question: Should
living man without joy.
joy of movement needs to express himself; movement of the mind and body. On the edge of the joy of living but high spirits, the pointed word, bad word. Joy moved Misgunst, Misgunst creates discord.
man should live without joy?
We all speak of peace on earth.
We all want peace on earth.
mind you, on earth, not lower the earth.
What kind, then, is our peace?
Do we want peace because they will leave us alone. No one should interfere with our parties.
is something no one ask of us to ask, attack us because we do not give give?
Heist peace that those who are worse off than we are to remain peaceful or
must do, not covetous eyes on us or call
Is our demand for peace with no more than the desire
, inequality and injustice the motto "God's will" to make?
No, no and again no, I hear. All
have not we meant. All we have
not wanted.
The peace which we think is good.
People should try to understand each other, help each other, to tolerate. How is this possible? Now there are even many different cultures, different languages, different beliefs.
are all proud proud of your culture
proud of their language
to YOUR religion.
you do not then the pure talk.
Heist peace at the end can only really alone?
"Lord give us peace," the pastor asks the pulpit. Is
man for ever peace-able?
Differences Between Pms And Early Pregnancy?
I am wishing you a very merry Christmas, relaxed days with your family and many many gifts and happenings Which make your heart sing. Have a wonderful time!
Mount And Blade Toppes
I would like to thank all the readers that my posts this year have restored to their attention.
Stay tuned.
Helander - Rare Exports Inc
Uploaded by Morpheus51100 . - See more Film and TV videos.
I would like to thank all the readers that my posts this year have restored to their attention.
Stay tuned.
Helander - Rare Exports Inc
Uploaded by Morpheus51100 . - See more Film and TV videos.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sweet Dream Piano Notes
Rien ne va plus.
I'm last week accepted the invitation, as a jury member at 10th Cristal Festival in Crans Montana (Switzerland) to be active.
Festival The Cristal is called a European festival and is the successor to the Méribel Festival (in case someone asks where to put this competition).
that in addition to works from Europe, works from the Middle were East and Canada (the French speaking part) approved and rated, coincided not with my geographical knowledge of Europe, but corresponded well - after extensive discussion with the organizers - the rules.
Why have I embarked on this adventure jury is a question that concerns me today. Presumably it was the beguiling French accent in English of the festival representative. She had visited me in the middle of the Agency in order to move me to participate.
Cristal is a competition to assess which not only creative but also customers.
Somehow I must have thought that it might be interesting This mixture of jury deliberation at the international level with a ski weekend to join the year.
latter was pretty good.
The former was characterized very French.
The majority of the judges from France. What in the number of submissions and, ultimately, the jury's overall result was reflected.
contained the list of participants of the festival also human high-caliber (eg, Jacques Séguéla, Star and veteran of the French advertising and no less than the "S" by Euro RSCG, Mark Tuts Sell, CCO of Leo Burnett Worldwide and festival president and Olivier Altmann, CCO, Publicis ). What
after creative largest crowd in the French-speaking territory just after Cannes sounds (and certainly in the press coverage in France also looks like) is the bottom line is a fairly deserted ski village in the preseason with 200 jurors.
a manageable group of people that met every evening to the awards in certain categories. A mostly French-moderated presentation contribution to high school completion level at which to reach a majority against the French side their European colleagues Cristal.
I was a member of the Integrated and Branded Content jury and we first had a little talk about what branded content actually is (I'll spare you it should anyone be interested, please send mail).
At the end of five long days I have been left with a painfully acquired knowledge:
A festival is only truly European, let alone international where juries are not dominated by one nation, but are occupied balanced (read: any country one juror).
That the festival president Mark Tutssel should be gone ahead, would not surprise me.
me for any rate, next year, "cristal clear" set: see title of the article.
a Viral Campaign to Europcar car Libre "offer. Agency: Ogilvy, Paris. This campaign has received in the category "Marketing" a "Cristal".
The idea is not entirely new: with a hidden camera filmed find several car owners who come back to her car and only a scrap dice. The story: a body disposed of cars because it now with Europcar is an offer that allows you only then have a car, when you need it.
What looks like a real action looks generated, is recreated by actors (which brand it would also dare people so exposed to a situation?). The risk of collapse because people would be too great.
me is all the fuss with all the comedy (even with the direct connection to the radio station) too much constructed. Nevertheless, nearly 2 million clicks on YouTube.
I'm last week accepted the invitation, as a jury member at 10th Cristal Festival in Crans Montana (Switzerland) to be active.
Festival The Cristal is called a European festival and is the successor to the Méribel Festival (in case someone asks where to put this competition).
that in addition to works from Europe, works from the Middle were East and Canada (the French speaking part) approved and rated, coincided not with my geographical knowledge of Europe, but corresponded well - after extensive discussion with the organizers - the rules.
Why have I embarked on this adventure jury is a question that concerns me today. Presumably it was the beguiling French accent in English of the festival representative. She had visited me in the middle of the Agency in order to move me to participate.
Cristal is a competition to assess which not only creative but also customers.
Somehow I must have thought that it might be interesting This mixture of jury deliberation at the international level with a ski weekend to join the year.
latter was pretty good.
The former was characterized very French.
The majority of the judges from France. What in the number of submissions and, ultimately, the jury's overall result was reflected.
contained the list of participants of the festival also human high-caliber (eg, Jacques Séguéla, Star and veteran of the French advertising and no less than the "S" by Euro RSCG, Mark Tuts Sell, CCO of Leo Burnett Worldwide and festival president and Olivier Altmann, CCO, Publicis ). What
after creative largest crowd in the French-speaking territory just after Cannes sounds (and certainly in the press coverage in France also looks like) is the bottom line is a fairly deserted ski village in the preseason with 200 jurors.
a manageable group of people that met every evening to the awards in certain categories. A mostly French-moderated presentation contribution to high school completion level at which to reach a majority against the French side their European colleagues Cristal.
I was a member of the Integrated and Branded Content jury and we first had a little talk about what branded content actually is (I'll spare you it should anyone be interested, please send mail).
At the end of five long days I have been left with a painfully acquired knowledge:
A festival is only truly European, let alone international where juries are not dominated by one nation, but are occupied balanced (read: any country one juror).
That the festival president Mark Tutssel should be gone ahead, would not surprise me.
me for any rate, next year, "cristal clear" set: see title of the article.
a Viral Campaign to Europcar car Libre "offer. Agency: Ogilvy, Paris. This campaign has received in the category "Marketing" a "Cristal".
The idea is not entirely new: with a hidden camera filmed find several car owners who come back to her car and only a scrap dice. The story: a body disposed of cars because it now with Europcar is an offer that allows you only then have a car, when you need it.
What looks like a real action looks generated, is recreated by actors (which brand it would also dare people so exposed to a situation?). The risk of collapse because people would be too great.
me is all the fuss with all the comedy (even with the direct connection to the radio station) too much constructed. Nevertheless, nearly 2 million clicks on YouTube.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Can Intercourse Cause Diverticulitis
blame only the number of snow
Thanks to many of the snow in the last Week has fallen from the sky, is our street here has become so slippery and narrow that I do not trust myself more driving. So I was housebound, although I still had a few urgent things need to get for Christmas. Instead, I've already packed the first gifts, have scraped the ice from the garage door, always poured the snow from the trees and shrubs and I have put up a second blog. I know, I know, now is not the right level at all time for a flea market , everyone has something to do completely different, but I had great fun there and once started, are still many many more things to follow there. Maybe you have some point to look at him like you, and if you see what your heart desires, please write me a short message.
I try a vest now until Christmas fertigzustricken, the detail makes me still plenty of headaches, many of these calculation is simply not for me. (And I was in the art a century ago in the school even really good)
I wish you a nice cozy fourth Advent!
The last week brought a lot of new snow. Every morning and every evening we had to shovel and our tiny road was and still is so very slippery that I now do not dare to drive to town by myself. This meant I had to stay at home all the week, instead of buying the last gifts, so I wrapped hopefully prettily the gifts I already bought, feeded the birds, scratched the ice from the garage door and opened a second blog. Of course, I know that this isn´t the best time of year to open a fleamarket , but I had so much fun in doing it and once started to select the items for it there is now no end in sight. I am sure that there are many more items to follow. If you, one day, will be so kind to have a look there and see something you would really love to own, then simply send a message to me, please. I have written the fleamarket-blog only in German, because the shipping costs from Germany might be high for heavy books, but I also would love to send them outside of my own country.
In the meantime I try to finish a slip-over for Christmas, the neckband is quite difficulty for me to do, but there are still some days left to the 24th and I hope I could manage it in time.
Have a nice and cozy 4th Advent!
I try a vest now until Christmas fertigzustricken, the detail makes me still plenty of headaches, many of these calculation is simply not for me. (And I was in the art a century ago in the school even really good)
I wish you a nice cozy fourth Advent!
In the meantime I try to finish a slip-over for Christmas, the neckband is quite difficulty for me to do, but there are still some days left to the 24th and I hope I could manage it in time.
Have a nice and cozy 4th Advent!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Palpitations Position Of Heart
Is there anything Delight Deres than to know a person with whom you can speak like themselves?
Could you endure the greatest happiness and deepest misery, would have no one to take part in it? Friendship is above all sympathy and compassion!
Marcus Tullius Cicero
crave an early age we are, after a friendship. We have an intuitive sense of who might be the right thing. We can then no opportunity to move towards him. We invite him for a birthday, all suggesting common games, and all of a sudden, two young people are inseparable. And if the fate they separated, by removal or the like, they grow together and more intense. They say all the details, especially if you go in the years of puberty, has not the slightest shame for each other. It gathers information on the progress without any ulterior motive by presenting the currently growing his little pubic hair. However, we still childish enough and gets involved in a small contest in which you want to know absolutely who can pee the farthest. But when the time comes when the working life, it can happen that the friends be torn apart. Nevertheless, it changes nothing because if the opportunity arises that you can be together again with each other, all as the day
is a very critical test for the friendship, love. Since there are many different reasons, the girlfriend is jealous of their close friendship, especially when the friend does not like. It will feel then, she shows him the cold shoulder and tries to influence their friends in turn, give up the friendship. She remembers well that it exchanges with her friend all the intimacies and fears, therefore, that this friend is a strong argument with her boyfriend over her and her friend influenced in any way against them or making them ill. These are critical times for a friendship. But it also goes the other way, the otherwise loyal friend suddenly developed the maxim: towards a friend, a friend here, but when it comes to love, there is no consideration. Still good friends try to clarify: "To once and for all is clear between us, my girlfriend is off limits to you."
And in the end proves a good friendship that she is indestructible.
If you have lost any blows his childhood friend, it is not as adult as easy to build a new friendship. Over time, we all have some idiosyncratic features developed a more difficult adjustment capability. But if we are able to back off here and there, it is quite possible to live as an adult, a new friendship.
With friendship, it is often as in love. There are love affairs that begin with the intensity of a volcanic eruption. Since two successive meetings, which merge into each other with unbridled energy. This is maybe 2, 3 days so, then he or she discovers that the partner is gone, and the interesting thing is the knowledge we are not disappointed, suddenly you wonder what we have just made me all the time, what We have actually spoken?
My God, it is fixed, except the first name you know nothing of each other. If you at some point this person meets again, you are not interested to get in touch again. On the contrary, one wonders: For God's sake, with whom I once slept?
comparison, there are friendships, in which two meet, which are fantastic. With friends in the pub. And then there is someone to whom one of toasts and responds with clever observations and one back responds, noting we have a little talk in more detail, it is getting closer, talking about God and the world, finally a man of whom we understand is. We have gained a friend and at the end of In the evening we passed each other warmly, hugs with pats on the other says. "Man, nice to have met you, we should definitely do something together we thought, sure you can leave a !".... I'll call you. And he cries?
A friendship that made the wine affects how the wine one night.
Fiedrich of Logau
And then one day you meet a person, perhaps at a party in which one expects, least of all so that it could become a friendship. And by the way you mentioned that you should not be at this party, because a lot of work waiting at home, the landlord demands that the apartment is being renovated! It is a very brief conversation that you have with this man and yet it happens that on the next day at the door, which would naturally ask, what can I do because I have my lab coat it. And that is peculiar turn, one is not surprised him one presses the brush in his hand, amazed at his skill, ask for his career, and notes that he is an intelligent man with well-founded opinions. After working together to drink a coffee, he cleans up the dishes, anything for granted. It provides personal questions, he is critical of himself, and then in a conversation a long pause occurs, you do not feel that you must tell what. It leaves you without excessive emotion, leaves his phone number with the comment: "Call me necessarily, if it burns!"
From such an unexpected opportunity can develop a friendship that lasts a lifetime. Such a friend can say without much risk is also the view, as long as you respect his personality.
You come in friendship, not far if you are not ready to forgive small mistakes.
Jean de La Bruyere
This friendship is over distances and times, it is unzerstöbar. But we must be clear, it is a rarity. And when you meet once in such a friendship, they care, like a rare flower.
Is there anything Delight Deres than to know a person with whom you can speak like themselves?
Could you endure the greatest happiness and deepest misery, would have no one to take part in it? Friendship is above all sympathy and compassion!
Marcus Tullius Cicero
crave an early age we are, after a friendship. We have an intuitive sense of who might be the right thing. We can then no opportunity to move towards him. We invite him for a birthday, all suggesting common games, and all of a sudden, two young people are inseparable. And if the fate they separated, by removal or the like, they grow together and more intense. They say all the details, especially if you go in the years of puberty, has not the slightest shame for each other. It gathers information on the progress without any ulterior motive by presenting the currently growing his little pubic hair. However, we still childish enough and gets involved in a small contest in which you want to know absolutely who can pee the farthest. But when the time comes when the working life, it can happen that the friends be torn apart. Nevertheless, it changes nothing because if the opportunity arises that you can be together again with each other, all as the day
is a very critical test for the friendship, love. Since there are many different reasons, the girlfriend is jealous of their close friendship, especially when the friend does not like. It will feel then, she shows him the cold shoulder and tries to influence their friends in turn, give up the friendship. She remembers well that it exchanges with her friend all the intimacies and fears, therefore, that this friend is a strong argument with her boyfriend over her and her friend influenced in any way against them or making them ill. These are critical times for a friendship. But it also goes the other way, the otherwise loyal friend suddenly developed the maxim: towards a friend, a friend here, but when it comes to love, there is no consideration. Still good friends try to clarify: "To once and for all is clear between us, my girlfriend is off limits to you."
And in the end proves a good friendship that she is indestructible.
If you have lost any blows his childhood friend, it is not as adult as easy to build a new friendship. Over time, we all have some idiosyncratic features developed a more difficult adjustment capability. But if we are able to back off here and there, it is quite possible to live as an adult, a new friendship.
With friendship, it is often as in love. There are love affairs that begin with the intensity of a volcanic eruption. Since two successive meetings, which merge into each other with unbridled energy. This is maybe 2, 3 days so, then he or she discovers that the partner is gone, and the interesting thing is the knowledge we are not disappointed, suddenly you wonder what we have just made me all the time, what We have actually spoken?
My God, it is fixed, except the first name you know nothing of each other. If you at some point this person meets again, you are not interested to get in touch again. On the contrary, one wonders: For God's sake, with whom I once slept?
comparison, there are friendships, in which two meet, which are fantastic. With friends in the pub. And then there is someone to whom one of toasts and responds with clever observations and one back responds, noting we have a little talk in more detail, it is getting closer, talking about God and the world, finally a man of whom we understand is. We have gained a friend and at the end of In the evening we passed each other warmly, hugs with pats on the other says. "Man, nice to have met you, we should definitely do something together we thought, sure you can leave a !".... I'll call you. And he cries?
A friendship that made the wine affects how the wine one night.
Fiedrich of Logau
And then one day you meet a person, perhaps at a party in which one expects, least of all so that it could become a friendship. And by the way you mentioned that you should not be at this party, because a lot of work waiting at home, the landlord demands that the apartment is being renovated! It is a very brief conversation that you have with this man and yet it happens that on the next day at the door, which would naturally ask, what can I do because I have my lab coat it. And that is peculiar turn, one is not surprised him one presses the brush in his hand, amazed at his skill, ask for his career, and notes that he is an intelligent man with well-founded opinions. After working together to drink a coffee, he cleans up the dishes, anything for granted. It provides personal questions, he is critical of himself, and then in a conversation a long pause occurs, you do not feel that you must tell what. It leaves you without excessive emotion, leaves his phone number with the comment: "Call me necessarily, if it burns!"
From such an unexpected opportunity can develop a friendship that lasts a lifetime. Such a friend can say without much risk is also the view, as long as you respect his personality.
You come in friendship, not far if you are not ready to forgive small mistakes.
Jean de La Bruyere
This friendship is over distances and times, it is unzerstöbar. But we must be clear, it is a rarity. And when you meet once in such a friendship, they care, like a rare flower.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sony Dvp Sr200p Dvd Player Unlock Region
Sunday afternoon in Advent
Like every year I come just before Christmas, the best ideas for homemade gifts. And like every year there are people who love an almost 5 minutes before the big day only reveal what they would like from me, of course, handmade. But such a small fine cap would still be created. What do you think?
I then wish you with glowing needles, a beruhigenden Tässchen Melissentee und der Hoffnung, daß es bei Euch schon etwas entspannter zugeht, einen schönen winterlichen 3. Advent!
Like nearly every year the best ideas for handmade Christmas gifts occur to me when it´s much too late to even start them. And also like nearly every year some dear friends or family members are telling me just 5 minutes before the big day what they really really would love me to make for them. But a fine little hat like Kat , well, I think this is managable for me, don´t you think, too?
So with hot needles, a calming cup of tea and the hope that your pre-Christmas time is already much more relaxed, I am wishing you a wonderful 3rd Advent!
I then wish you with glowing needles, a beruhigenden Tässchen Melissentee und der Hoffnung, daß es bei Euch schon etwas entspannter zugeht, einen schönen winterlichen 3. Advent!
Like nearly every year the best ideas for handmade Christmas gifts occur to me when it´s much too late to even start them. And also like nearly every year some dear friends or family members are telling me just 5 minutes before the big day what they really really would love me to make for them. But a fine little hat like Kat , well, I think this is managable for me, don´t you think, too?
So with hot needles, a calming cup of tea and the hope that your pre-Christmas time is already much more relaxed, I am wishing you a wonderful 3rd Advent!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
No Life Na Dobre I Na Zle
Enterprising lion breeders.
This week is a something of an international creative elite by Hamburg. Prepared by an already evident from the fact of injury bordering barrage of newsletters, I was also not on Eurobest Competition over.
But why Hamburg? Where else but it gives an even more creative flair European metropolis (London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam)?
I have to admit that the competition on my list of priority Eurobest near the bottom ranks. Shortly before the Insignificance. Like the previous ranking rating score of the competition shows. The Eurobest
is - or rather should - purely European edition of the Cannes Festival and will be of the same organizers (a company called IAF - International Advertising Festival) put on the legs. Partner of the IAF in Germany, the media group Weischer .
Presumably it was precisely this reason, namely the lack of importance of the competition that it has asked the organizers how creative cuddly cat can be transformed back into an attractive circus act.
The innocent creative thinking in competitions not necessarily related to business Page. The makers already. Thus, a Cannes Festival would be a really lukrativies business for the organizers to stay in which a few million left.
If one wants to fly its B-range, in this case, the Eurobest, again to the brilliant win, one simply starts in the market with an event, sit in the most "customers".
We do not recommend long to identify ourselves with our world's largest creative award-production industry as a cash strong clientele of IAF / Weischer.
This is of course our creative vanity coupled with the thirst for the taste of the wide wide world of advertising creative, the Hamburg Festival honors a grateful pavement.
The yield was German agencies this week as well as huge (about 50 Eurobest).
particularly the German DDB has every other time again that they do well in the creative awards - and thus also in win creative awards is.
Why the world needs in addition to the Cannes Advertising Festival Eurobest also a festival can only be answered by the organizers clearly:
as it serves the same works submitted again.
This week is a something of an international creative elite by Hamburg. Prepared by an already evident from the fact of injury bordering barrage of newsletters, I was also not on Eurobest Competition over.
But why Hamburg? Where else but it gives an even more creative flair European metropolis (London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam)?
I have to admit that the competition on my list of priority Eurobest near the bottom ranks. Shortly before the Insignificance. Like the previous ranking rating score of the competition shows. The Eurobest
is - or rather should - purely European edition of the Cannes Festival and will be of the same organizers (a company called IAF - International Advertising Festival) put on the legs. Partner of the IAF in Germany, the media group Weischer .
Presumably it was precisely this reason, namely the lack of importance of the competition that it has asked the organizers how creative cuddly cat can be transformed back into an attractive circus act.
The innocent creative thinking in competitions not necessarily related to business Page. The makers already. Thus, a Cannes Festival would be a really lukrativies business for the organizers to stay in which a few million left.
If one wants to fly its B-range, in this case, the Eurobest, again to the brilliant win, one simply starts in the market with an event, sit in the most "customers".
We do not recommend long to identify ourselves with our world's largest creative award-production industry as a cash strong clientele of IAF / Weischer.
This is of course our creative vanity coupled with the thirst for the taste of the wide wide world of advertising creative, the Hamburg Festival honors a grateful pavement.
The yield was German agencies this week as well as huge (about 50 Eurobest).
particularly the German DDB has every other time again that they do well in the creative awards - and thus also in win creative awards is.
Why the world needs in addition to the Cannes Advertising Festival Eurobest also a festival can only be answered by the organizers clearly:
as it serves the same works submitted again.
Friday, December 3, 2010
How To Connect Home Cinema
Social veins.
Two days ago was World AIDS Day. What causes of course, the social conscience of many agencies on the plan.
AIDS is in many people be forgotten and it is completely respectable, if committed with creative ideas. The date also fits very well, goes to the end of the year yet and thus there is still the possibility to improve his potential medal account, it should still be at zero.
Consequently, there was a lot to see for the attentive observer.
Since I met the rather costly reinvention of a TLD (Top Level Domain) of the colleagues of kempertrautmann ( place also. Com now. hiv).
Then I met the very charming one-day fundraising campaign Twitter a Hamburg-based agency called Beebop (unfortunately with the - for my taste - a bit too obvious Self-promotion direct proportion to the donations page). Finally, I still
was "tapped" by an action from Tel Aviv - and the most emotionally packed:
the moderators of a radio station the whole day was taken live during the broadcast the blood. And they have later - of course, live well - can present their preliminary results.
I imagine it hanging in front of the radio station and experience with how the moderators to wait perhaps a little nervous on their outcome. A voltage obtained as a private person, too experienced, if you can be tested.
The radio hosts were all negative. The action absolutely the opposite.
radio presenter at live blood removal. Action on World AIDS Day by Y + R Tel Aviv.
Two days ago was World AIDS Day. What causes of course, the social conscience of many agencies on the plan.
AIDS is in many people be forgotten and it is completely respectable, if committed with creative ideas. The date also fits very well, goes to the end of the year yet and thus there is still the possibility to improve his potential medal account, it should still be at zero.
Consequently, there was a lot to see for the attentive observer.
Since I met the rather costly reinvention of a TLD (Top Level Domain) of the colleagues of kempertrautmann ( place also. Com now. hiv).
Then I met the very charming one-day fundraising campaign Twitter a Hamburg-based agency called Beebop (unfortunately with the - for my taste - a bit too obvious Self-promotion direct proportion to the donations page). Finally, I still
was "tapped" by an action from Tel Aviv - and the most emotionally packed:
the moderators of a radio station the whole day was taken live during the broadcast the blood. And they have later - of course, live well - can present their preliminary results.
I imagine it hanging in front of the radio station and experience with how the moderators to wait perhaps a little nervous on their outcome. A voltage obtained as a private person, too experienced, if you can be tested.
The radio hosts were all negative. The action absolutely the opposite.
radio presenter at live blood removal. Action on World AIDS Day by Y + R Tel Aviv.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Purina Commercial Cat What Kind Of A Cat
The Manager Magazin crane King.
It has appeared again. The ranking of all German rankings. The ranking, squinting at which many agency heads cramped. push for the creative people, but even more so, the consultants at the agency managers not only own two eyes, but also that of their controller.
It is the ranking of the Manager magazine ( recent Issue 12/10 from page 56).
In contrast to all the other creative rankings of the usual communication publications created this ranking from a magazine that reaches not only the decision-old dog, but also to Hans. The most important Hans. For most of the agencies never tangible Hans.
Just simply deeeeeen Hans. Or the
Joseph. Or Walter. Or Martin. Or deeeeen Or. to take
This ranking as an agency head under fire is already a small risk. Finally, the Manager magazine is not just any entrepreneur mag, but the preferred monthly bulletin of directors and owners. So
of people that the decision for or against an agency - meet - or at least for or against the distribution of the communication budget.
The type guys or gals who like to be on the golf course or ski slopes of the managerial colleagues responded to his advertisements (or will be). And on the question of who was doing his advertising agency does not want to call it a name that does not sow.
Because it can help an agency of course in the appreciation, if you're in the Manager tabloids a number. The best one number in the top ten. To question
how this table is about and whether it so makes sense, is now not really Task of these boards, but then again they have better things to do than to put up with so intense advertising apart.
short time flying over the annual rankings, look at the names and feel confirmed in the ideal case.
precisely why one has such a MM - after all, a sister of the Journal untouchable level. If the search artists do not know, then who?
The Undisturbed by this ranking issue as slow reader may feel the urgency of the publication. And of course you sit down as head of an agency, whose shop yet not once has appeared in the rankings (so someone like me), rumzukritteln inevitably accused of, only, because you are not creative enough to reappear in this creative index.
But the industry professionals know that this creative index has little to do with creativity.
He, however, has a lot to do with money (entry fees for all the award shows and the cost of all the fakes that are produced especially for competitions), with merciless (namely his men to "motivate", in addition to the everyday work permanently Gold ideas and to produce overtime) and with pure vanity (we do there).
confess I too am partial because the accomplice guilty. The agency's marketing effect of awards is also with us again and again an issue.
Here unravel in detail the number of points in the ranking was made with extra just for the ranking produced creative goods and how much real commission was, is, of course, out of date. This discussion, we have actually long since left behind.
However, it should surprise that just as a publication Manager Magazin uncritically for years before that - spans Award trucks - dominated by fakes. But one would have expected from such a magazine-caliber rather that it stands out in this purely creative bubble.
alone, the evaluation criterion, which leads to the index, lacks the industry logic. Can you still understand
, that the international creative competition number 1 (Cannes) will be evaluated with 9 points, we hardly understand why the most highly regarded internationally also "hard" competitions such as D + AD (4) and One Show (2) rank so far behind. And why is
same time the German ADC (8) scored with his less rigorous practices during the medal ceremony as high.
For God's sake, nothing against the value of the ADC. 8 points is OK, But D + AD and One Show had at least deserves to be on the same valuation level.
D + AD? One Show? ADC? Huh? What? Please?
The important Hanse, Joseph, Walter and Martin are the uncomprehending Head shake. What is this nonsense. I do not know. I do not know Will. Why do I have such a magazine?
unreflective With this ranking encourages the supposedly objective opinion media distortion of competition, but all we tolerate. Maybe it's just too creative Economic Winter's Tale, as that would destroy it.
I say, then the story time all participants indulgence. Will soon be Christmas.
The truth in this MM article is for even the very end. Formulated it, our social-media steam talker Amir Kassaei:
"The only thing that proves the gains of creative awards, is that you get good at winning of creative awards is ".
shouted good. Very good roared.
to fit around the bubble as a grand finale that the link above a "document not found" appears (at least today, the day when I clicked the link).
It has appeared again. The ranking of all German rankings. The ranking, squinting at which many agency heads cramped. push for the creative people, but even more so, the consultants at the agency managers not only own two eyes, but also that of their controller.
It is the ranking of the Manager magazine ( recent Issue 12/10 from page 56).
In contrast to all the other creative rankings of the usual communication publications created this ranking from a magazine that reaches not only the decision-old dog, but also to Hans. The most important Hans. For most of the agencies never tangible Hans.
Just simply deeeeeen Hans. Or the
Joseph. Or Walter. Or Martin. Or deeeeen Or. to take
This ranking as an agency head under fire is already a small risk. Finally, the Manager magazine is not just any entrepreneur mag, but the preferred monthly bulletin of directors and owners. So
of people that the decision for or against an agency - meet - or at least for or against the distribution of the communication budget.
The type guys or gals who like to be on the golf course or ski slopes of the managerial colleagues responded to his advertisements (or will be). And on the question of who was doing his advertising agency does not want to call it a name that does not sow.
Because it can help an agency of course in the appreciation, if you're in the Manager tabloids a number. The best one number in the top ten. To question
how this table is about and whether it so makes sense, is now not really Task of these boards, but then again they have better things to do than to put up with so intense advertising apart.
short time flying over the annual rankings, look at the names and feel confirmed in the ideal case.
precisely why one has such a MM - after all, a sister of the Journal untouchable level. If the search artists do not know, then who?
The Undisturbed by this ranking issue as slow reader may feel the urgency of the publication. And of course you sit down as head of an agency, whose shop yet not once has appeared in the rankings (so someone like me), rumzukritteln inevitably accused of, only, because you are not creative enough to reappear in this creative index.
But the industry professionals know that this creative index has little to do with creativity.
He, however, has a lot to do with money (entry fees for all the award shows and the cost of all the fakes that are produced especially for competitions), with merciless (namely his men to "motivate", in addition to the everyday work permanently Gold ideas and to produce overtime) and with pure vanity (we do there).
confess I too am partial because the accomplice guilty. The agency's marketing effect of awards is also with us again and again an issue.
Here unravel in detail the number of points in the ranking was made with extra just for the ranking produced creative goods and how much real commission was, is, of course, out of date. This discussion, we have actually long since left behind.
However, it should surprise that just as a publication Manager Magazin uncritically for years before that - spans Award trucks - dominated by fakes. But one would have expected from such a magazine-caliber rather that it stands out in this purely creative bubble.
alone, the evaluation criterion, which leads to the index, lacks the industry logic. Can you still understand
, that the international creative competition number 1 (Cannes) will be evaluated with 9 points, we hardly understand why the most highly regarded internationally also "hard" competitions such as D + AD (4) and One Show (2) rank so far behind. And why is
same time the German ADC (8) scored with his less rigorous practices during the medal ceremony as high.
For God's sake, nothing against the value of the ADC. 8 points is OK, But D + AD and One Show had at least deserves to be on the same valuation level.
D + AD? One Show? ADC? Huh? What? Please?
The important Hanse, Joseph, Walter and Martin are the uncomprehending Head shake. What is this nonsense. I do not know. I do not know Will. Why do I have such a magazine?
unreflective With this ranking encourages the supposedly objective opinion media distortion of competition, but all we tolerate. Maybe it's just too creative Economic Winter's Tale, as that would destroy it.
I say, then the story time all participants indulgence. Will soon be Christmas.
The truth in this MM article is for even the very end. Formulated it, our social-media steam talker Amir Kassaei:
"The only thing that proves the gains of creative awards, is that you get good at winning of creative awards is ".
shouted good. Very good roared.
to fit around the bubble as a grand finale that the link above a "document not found" appears (at least today, the day when I clicked the link).
Denise Milani Or Similar
love sun,
. . as with the hand in the warm sand
love is hope, always forward
never go back
see in the grass
squinting into the sun
love is tender like a gentle wind
of the blade of grass can quiver
love is a
ant to look
love is longing to burn with happiness
Love is when two sets of eyes to see and understand each other
love is trust,
awarded with a view
love is confidence
is on the horizon, the bright light
in a foreign country
the outstretched hand
Love is blind
and love is dumb
love is impotence
and sacrifice
love reflects hatred
but love keeps you young
Love gives power
gives courage and confidence to the love
can build you always.
© Fritz Fröhlich
love sun,
. . as with the hand in the warm sand
love is hope, always forward
never go back
see in the grass
squinting into the sun
love is tender like a gentle wind
of the blade of grass can quiver
love is a
ant to look
love is longing to burn with happiness
Love is when two sets of eyes to see and understand each other
love is trust,
awarded with a view
love is confidence
is on the horizon, the bright light
in a foreign country
the outstretched hand
Love is blind
and love is dumb
love is impotence
and sacrifice
love reflects hatred
but love keeps you young
Love gives power
gives courage and confidence to the love
can build you always.
© Fritz Fröhlich
Monday, November 22, 2010
Medic Alert Lockets For Women
I love you!
the linguist from another universe would make it suspicious for sure: Something as important as love is to express this earth in a few words convincing: I love
up! Three words only, yet unmistakably, as it seems. Had they otherwise can last so long? Subject, predicate, object and everything is expressed. Only one species that does not have much time
uses such a short phrase. A detour into politics demonstrates quickly that there is a special feature. In politics it is about important matters of public interest. In addition, political problems in their structure is much easier than love. And yet, how many words a politician needs to convince his fellow citizens of simple facts? In the more complex issue Love had three words suffice: I love you! speak slowly and expressively, it takes a maximum of three words: 2.4 seconds. extended length, you can easily look ridiculous. speaking quickly and hastily, one needs only 0.45 seconds. Is this perhaps
the success of this short phrase? 0.45 seconds - enough time to call out a hastily hurrying beloved: "I love you!"
I will not conceal, however, that one can extend this proposition. The question is whether he wins this expressiveness. I once browsed a little in the literature and found in Ronald Searle in his novel "Knights the Spirit "is a particularly romantic
form of extension. It says: "I love you heavenly consecration greeting pure souls bells chord in the harp of the purest devotion and worship." Gosh, it must come to first, but now no one would probably break more of the stool. A nice proof that is harmful to a lot of good! Since you can already understand more
when many a the simple statement "I love you" is not enough, so he still adds a word: "I love you very much!", Even if the word "very" is completely unnecessary. But there are also lovers, the great difficulty have to express their love in general. They, too, it's not enough, "I love you" to say, because this set is they are not expressive enough. They document the then with the statement: "I love you unspeakable!"
which is of course a contradiction in terms. They love can not pronounce it and do it anyway.
Others are aware of the credibility of her love so sure that they think, "Oh, I love you more than you need me!" Maybe they think it is somehow athletic, the other to outdo the intensity. At Jean Paul in the "Titan"
I read a woman's testimony (the Princess): "I love you, but different and ever!" Such a statement can only make a woman! Women love to wrap themselves in a mystical sense of fog. It remains unclear how she loves, only very different, and it has a strange
concept of eternity and adopt it, this is not as accurate. Another variant: "I love you with pain," This is probably a question that love is not returned, and the lover indulges in self-pity. He or she who consider themselves to be valuable to be loved, rejected, not good enough, not found suitable. That hurts! Tragedy are also cases where he or she desired phrase "I love you!" listen to get, but still not satisfied, because they want to know exactly what is loved by them and why. Is it the body, it is the eyes, it is the view that it is the voice, it is the soul? And I will help anyone who gets involved
such a detailed analysis, because no one can foresee, hear what the partners really love argument and accepted at the end! A woman
example, it is not particularly useful to focus only on their beauty, for she knows that this is not eternal. Your soul could be a good choice, especially because no one can say exactly what that is. If you want to comment on the credibility of the
love something what works reliably, then the sentence "I love you like my life!" quite convincing. Everyone knows deep inside, how selfish you love yourself, and the other can make vivid a picture of the intensity of the love of his partner. Finally, I read
by Johann Karl Wezel in his novel "Hermann und Ulrike" the sentence: "I love you, I am afraid of myself!" This is me in any case much of the good. Before this kind of love I'd be scared too, and how so beautiful
says, quickly scrape the curve! Let us return to our brief, "I love you!" A
grammatical analysis of the sentence gives us no explanation as to why this is so effective. The record position us to understand that AB loves. So far, so good, but what is love? I look up in the dictionary. Remain seated, I'll do it for you! Even a cursory glance at the dictionary reveals me that before I have been thinking a lot of smart people on this issue, and successfully. Which is even noticed that there are, the love of a person other sex, many other interpretations of the word. Well, I want to get involved here, I'll stay with the love of the opposite sex. I too would not cite the encyclopedia directly, but from the recap
memory. Why am I doing this?
The information of the lexicon are too large, I have to filter out the essentials. I use to my memory. However, this is so bad that we will retain with certainty only the inessential
. Well: Love is a strong affection, a sex-linked, strong sense of attraction one. It says real "sex-linked", but not what sex is bound to which sex. It does therefore not matter. So again: Love is a strong affection, a sex-linked,
strong sense of attraction to one. On this definition, it is striking that a lot of feeling in play: affection, Hingezogensein all fuzzy words, the strength of the effect of the sentence "I love you!" do not understand. If the special effect
are that he will say so rare?
particularly intelligent men and women or those who want to be held for refusing to utter that sentence. (Perhaps you've been through that already.) Scrub, in the traditional way, "I love you" to say. Instead
they endeavor in flowery, poetic, witty way to make compliments, and must determine that their beloved but well maintained, but not convinced have. If they had said
"I love you", they believe it, really!
return to the starting point of our discussion, the words "I love you" I mean, now is all very vividly before us: One in two people a mad "buck" to another person.
a way to explain the order, she says: "I love you" "Stop," I hear someone protest, someone who thinks that today so do not talk to each other. Is that really so? Let us listen to
even a life recording: "Well, doll, you're just sugar, you are a super power! When I see you, goes out with me the light. If you're sitting next to me, I just can not foot off the gas. Just like you out, I'm worn down to none,
honest! "He looks at her, you could really believe what he says. But he has convinced them?
Listen to yourself: ". Listen, kid, it interests me a damn if I'm sugar if I'm a stunner, what happened to your damn lights or why did not the foot of the gas war" And then you come tears in her eyes, she is quiet and
says: "I just want to know one thing: Do you love me? If so, tell, will you! "He must now show their colors, and what says this roughneck?
It says: "I love you" "I love you" - a magic formula, an oath, a commitment, a vow? I do not know, but whatever it is, it is effective and convincing, even today!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Chinese Rifle Scope Blog
Beer on the art of simplicity.
The strategy is clear. The target group is clear. The message is clear. The style is clear.
so simple can be a strong spot. And yet so enchantingly attractive.
In the era of total creative technologisation this work seems almost old-fashioned genius.
possible good, that in the nachgeholfen Slow Motions on the computer was. But then with imperceptible subtlety.
I like.
Spot "Slow Mo" Melbourne for Carlton Draught of Clemenger BBDO.
The strategy is clear. The target group is clear. The message is clear. The style is clear.
so simple can be a strong spot. And yet so enchantingly attractive.
In the era of total creative technologisation this work seems almost old-fashioned genius.
possible good, that in the nachgeholfen Slow Motions on the computer was. But then with imperceptible subtlety.
I like.
Spot "Slow Mo" Melbourne for Carlton Draught of Clemenger BBDO.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kamehasutra Doujin French
old About to
For those who are determined to grow old or the statistics belie do some indication of what they may be adjusted if necessary. It's always good to know what that means to you. I said it may be not. There are a lucky few among the stars who get away without prejudice to the end and get a smile in the coffin.
once I try to compile, what is the most unpleasant on aging.
course it is always the increasingly diminishing performance, or even the disabled are few who are lucky enough to operate well into old age to their physical and mental abilities can be.
Take it easy, if you no longer can the 10km run in one piece. There are so many little things which is annoying as hearing loss, which leads with time to that without having an increased awareness, more and more isolated. It avoids companies where all talk over each other, one does not understand what the partners and uses various tricks at the beginning or by simply nods and acts as if you understand everything. Man avoids possible a concrete answer when a question was asked jerks his shoulders, but eventually has to give you a commitment and it is sometimes uncomfortable. It is a wrong answer, if not a nonsensical answer and when you've done this several times, you always feel the need to go to do not to such problems or situations.
Surely you could call in already come very far, if one with an intelligent
"aha" response and simply leave it to stand in the air. But as I said, you meet are not always on target.
Now say you will, of course, and very often hear the advice as of young people, because there are these wonderful hearing aids, of course, there you have it and they admit in many cases are a great help, in many cases, but by far not in all. They are still not perfect what concerns for example the phone and hear the latest, remember when we set ourselves such a hearing, we wonder how well the system of our ears and our understanding has worked.
with healthy ears, we are quite able to understand in a large gathering of people, if we turn directly to our partner what he says, because our Höhrsystem develops a strong directionality and in cooperation with our brain, the disturbing noise can be filtered out. But that does not make the hearing aids, it is very loud, so they fail the loud noises of the environment to filter off (the clatter of dishes). What's more, that in my view, but the principle is somewhat questionable. First we are told, we get a hearing impairment because we listen to loud, then they recommend us the hearing aids and slams us in the inner tube, the noise of the outside world and we spoke with increased noise on the eardrum.
Plotting such a device all day, or two or three days, and then takes it out, you get the feeling that one is deaf.
conclusion, these devices may be in the first transitional period when decline in hearing sensitivity in my opinion, a help, but are enjoying after with care. I did without this hearing at the end and could even find that having the brain in terms of the acoustic detection of language ability at reduced frequency response, to develop a higher recognition accuracy.
The next stage is the great interest of the severely hearing, one calls to lead a quiet room. But this need is often one-sided, because the person is usually better on it and loves the company and is actually not the man to talk. Those who are willing to talk, chatterboxes very often, sometimes go to a very nice on my nerves. So you avoid these types and have even more isolated.
As I just mentioned the tendency to isolation, I would be remiss at this point that one in time as a hobby growing steadily, that is well suited to be so old. There are too many hobbies, as a principle that one can give a recommendation, what hobby you should be concentrating on. But it is uncontested that hobbies that you can operate completely independently, which are most appropriate.
Then comes the problem that usually runs parallel to the poor hearing, one no longer sees as good as before, the reading is difficult, but that can be often very good clean with a pair of glasses. Finally, if this is a cataract, you may leave to use a new lens, which offers significant successes.
Now we come to the very unpleasant problem of declining memory. Because the retention decreases, then can then also the ambition to keep the experienced or newly learned. It filters out rigorously. With everything you hear and learn, is filtered to almost unconsciously, according to the system, it is important to me or not that information is always more strictly. All that is irrelevant is omitted. Then one begins, perhaps to the Write down one or the other collects it somewhere on scraps of paper, of which one has after so many that she is too lazy to scroll through all of a certain lost look for information. There are some taxonomists the topic better control and the thing under control, but just for those who previously had to actually write anything and everything could keep the matter is very serious. They unconsciously believe still that they retain important information. If it matters, they note that this information in their memory but evaporated. All you have to keep them, I know exactly what I wanted to remember this, but then that is all. Particularly uncomfortable is that the youthful environment, in its arrogance, often little understanding of the weaknesses that age brings with it and that kind of forgetfulness, to write an emerging stupidity. Little silly, playful taunts will not make things any easier. Just as it is unpleasant but often also to face the older person with a given, understanding fussiness, which assumes a high level of immaturity and senility.
Most believed the older person does not notice, he is often become too tolerant, than that he make a statement. Only the more aggressive types respond to such treatment with uncontrolled Pugnacity.
A sad reason for the isolation of older people is the fact that those who survive the statistical age, experience, the people die in their environment, their friends and relatives with whom they grew up with almost the same age, in front of them. A lot of good friends go, which reinforces the isolation, especially if he or she have lost even more prematurely the partner.
Many of the suffering of my age can still call but ultimately harmless, given that we can attack at the age far more dangerous diseases, diseases threaten our existence. Not to be underestimated is the men often infested slope to depression. You feel useless, and see no prospects for their age.
in straight age, it is particularly important to submit to a regular medical check. We too must learn to pay attention to the signals our body and small
"ailments" pay attention, they can be the sign of a disaster.
How to cope with all these shortcomings, finally, is a question of personality. The A to react with constant complaints and whining, do the younger and certainly did not hear the others are with what is with the consent of the situation and try to make the most of it. And that is quite possible. It is particularly important that care in such a situation, few contacts and connections that exist to the outside world, are. If one puts his hands in his lap, waiting for the others to come on, you've already lost.
If now follows from the written, age is nothing but a pain, then you are mistaken. It is quite possible to experience the aging positively, if we accept things as they are.
If we take the car in an unknown environment, it helps us a map, a plan that shows us the right path. On the way we are prepared and know in advance what to expect. And so this small contribution to Understanding as to a map on the way aging.
For those who are determined to grow old or the statistics belie do some indication of what they may be adjusted if necessary. It's always good to know what that means to you. I said it may be not. There are a lucky few among the stars who get away without prejudice to the end and get a smile in the coffin.
once I try to compile, what is the most unpleasant on aging.
course it is always the increasingly diminishing performance, or even the disabled are few who are lucky enough to operate well into old age to their physical and mental abilities can be.
Take it easy, if you no longer can the 10km run in one piece. There are so many little things which is annoying as hearing loss, which leads with time to that without having an increased awareness, more and more isolated. It avoids companies where all talk over each other, one does not understand what the partners and uses various tricks at the beginning or by simply nods and acts as if you understand everything. Man avoids possible a concrete answer when a question was asked jerks his shoulders, but eventually has to give you a commitment and it is sometimes uncomfortable. It is a wrong answer, if not a nonsensical answer and when you've done this several times, you always feel the need to go to do not to such problems or situations.
Surely you could call in already come very far, if one with an intelligent
"aha" response and simply leave it to stand in the air. But as I said, you meet are not always on target.
Now say you will, of course, and very often hear the advice as of young people, because there are these wonderful hearing aids, of course, there you have it and they admit in many cases are a great help, in many cases, but by far not in all. They are still not perfect what concerns for example the phone and hear the latest, remember when we set ourselves such a hearing, we wonder how well the system of our ears and our understanding has worked.
with healthy ears, we are quite able to understand in a large gathering of people, if we turn directly to our partner what he says, because our Höhrsystem develops a strong directionality and in cooperation with our brain, the disturbing noise can be filtered out. But that does not make the hearing aids, it is very loud, so they fail the loud noises of the environment to filter off (the clatter of dishes). What's more, that in my view, but the principle is somewhat questionable. First we are told, we get a hearing impairment because we listen to loud, then they recommend us the hearing aids and slams us in the inner tube, the noise of the outside world and we spoke with increased noise on the eardrum.
Plotting such a device all day, or two or three days, and then takes it out, you get the feeling that one is deaf.
conclusion, these devices may be in the first transitional period when decline in hearing sensitivity in my opinion, a help, but are enjoying after with care. I did without this hearing at the end and could even find that having the brain in terms of the acoustic detection of language ability at reduced frequency response, to develop a higher recognition accuracy.
The next stage is the great interest of the severely hearing, one calls to lead a quiet room. But this need is often one-sided, because the person is usually better on it and loves the company and is actually not the man to talk. Those who are willing to talk, chatterboxes very often, sometimes go to a very nice on my nerves. So you avoid these types and have even more isolated.
As I just mentioned the tendency to isolation, I would be remiss at this point that one in time as a hobby growing steadily, that is well suited to be so old. There are too many hobbies, as a principle that one can give a recommendation, what hobby you should be concentrating on. But it is uncontested that hobbies that you can operate completely independently, which are most appropriate.
Then comes the problem that usually runs parallel to the poor hearing, one no longer sees as good as before, the reading is difficult, but that can be often very good clean with a pair of glasses. Finally, if this is a cataract, you may leave to use a new lens, which offers significant successes.
Now we come to the very unpleasant problem of declining memory. Because the retention decreases, then can then also the ambition to keep the experienced or newly learned. It filters out rigorously. With everything you hear and learn, is filtered to almost unconsciously, according to the system, it is important to me or not that information is always more strictly. All that is irrelevant is omitted. Then one begins, perhaps to the Write down one or the other collects it somewhere on scraps of paper, of which one has after so many that she is too lazy to scroll through all of a certain lost look for information. There are some taxonomists the topic better control and the thing under control, but just for those who previously had to actually write anything and everything could keep the matter is very serious. They unconsciously believe still that they retain important information. If it matters, they note that this information in their memory but evaporated. All you have to keep them, I know exactly what I wanted to remember this, but then that is all. Particularly uncomfortable is that the youthful environment, in its arrogance, often little understanding of the weaknesses that age brings with it and that kind of forgetfulness, to write an emerging stupidity. Little silly, playful taunts will not make things any easier. Just as it is unpleasant but often also to face the older person with a given, understanding fussiness, which assumes a high level of immaturity and senility.
Most believed the older person does not notice, he is often become too tolerant, than that he make a statement. Only the more aggressive types respond to such treatment with uncontrolled Pugnacity.
A sad reason for the isolation of older people is the fact that those who survive the statistical age, experience, the people die in their environment, their friends and relatives with whom they grew up with almost the same age, in front of them. A lot of good friends go, which reinforces the isolation, especially if he or she have lost even more prematurely the partner.
Many of the suffering of my age can still call but ultimately harmless, given that we can attack at the age far more dangerous diseases, diseases threaten our existence. Not to be underestimated is the men often infested slope to depression. You feel useless, and see no prospects for their age.
in straight age, it is particularly important to submit to a regular medical check. We too must learn to pay attention to the signals our body and small
"ailments" pay attention, they can be the sign of a disaster.
How to cope with all these shortcomings, finally, is a question of personality. The A to react with constant complaints and whining, do the younger and certainly did not hear the others are with what is with the consent of the situation and try to make the most of it. And that is quite possible. It is particularly important that care in such a situation, few contacts and connections that exist to the outside world, are. If one puts his hands in his lap, waiting for the others to come on, you've already lost.
If now follows from the written, age is nothing but a pain, then you are mistaken. It is quite possible to experience the aging positively, if we accept things as they are.
If we take the car in an unknown environment, it helps us a map, a plan that shows us the right path. On the way we are prepared and know in advance what to expect. And so this small contribution to Understanding as to a map on the way aging.
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better than any award.
It is for many creative people the greatest feeling to win a Cannes Lion. For me personally, but there is a more desirable form of the nobility of a creative power:
If other companies pick up on my work (be it as a satire, or to "respond" to it).
In this case, has the largest British tabloid newspaper The Sun ", the Old Spice campaign " Smell like a man, it "serves to promote their Page 3 models.
The click numbers speak for themselves.
It is for many creative people the greatest feeling to win a Cannes Lion. For me personally, but there is a more desirable form of the nobility of a creative power:
If other companies pick up on my work (be it as a satire, or to "respond" to it).
In this case, has the largest British tabloid newspaper The Sun ", the Old Spice campaign " Smell like a man, it "serves to promote their Page 3 models.
The click numbers speak for themselves.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Free Kates Playground 2010
Somewhere in between
The garden is the big clean up and finished the last of geraniums are now in the cool cellar. But of course I do not say goodbye, small bouquet with the flowers scattered throughout the house. As much as I fall and winter may also and looking forward, hand work on the warm afternoons in the little room, with plenty of time to read and who flowerless time I will miss her very much. If everything outside is white instead of colorful, if the birds are singing no more and no more buzzing bees.
Most work in the garden for preparing it for winter is done, all flower pots are in the cool cellar now. But although I am looking forward the winter days were I will stay in my warm and cozy home most of the time, when I will have many many afternoons with nothing more to do than knit or crochet to or to read, I am still missing the colors and noises of the garden, the flowers, the butterflies, singing birds and buzzing bees, and so the last bunches of bright pink geraniums Which fill my home now are my joy every time I look at them.
The marigolds are still blooming busy, far too rich to have time to mature before winter and so the seed crop falls this year from small and that makes me a little sad because marigolds I'd most like on every corner and All around them.
marigold Most are still in full bloom, brightly and brave the chilly nights they withstand, so I fear I will not have many seeds this year. Which makes me a bit sad because I love them so much, I would love to have them in any corner of my garden and inbetween them, too.
And because it was so beautiful I can not let the ripples. I've tried other patterns, they got rejected, got the knitting out and brought the back aside, it must be small at first ripples continue to be, a small pillow this time from the remains of the ceiling. With the colors of summer and a little sadness in the heart of the farewell and joy at the same time on the 'stade' Time.
And I can not stop with ripples, I have tried other patterns to crochet, I have tried to knit, but oh no, ripples are so much fun, so easy and so comfortable to do, so it has to be a little cushion this time. With the colors of summer and a sweet melancholy at heart that somehow it is so very nearly gone, so but the pleasant anticipation for the 'silent' season we are facing now.
Most work in the garden for preparing it for winter is done, all flower pots are in the cool cellar now. But although I am looking forward the winter days were I will stay in my warm and cozy home most of the time, when I will have many many afternoons with nothing more to do than knit or crochet to or to read, I am still missing the colors and noises of the garden, the flowers, the butterflies, singing birds and buzzing bees, and so the last bunches of bright pink geraniums Which fill my home now are my joy every time I look at them.
marigold Most are still in full bloom, brightly and brave the chilly nights they withstand, so I fear I will not have many seeds this year. Which makes me a bit sad because I love them so much, I would love to have them in any corner of my garden and inbetween them, too.
And I can not stop with ripples, I have tried other patterns to crochet, I have tried to knit, but oh no, ripples are so much fun, so easy and so comfortable to do, so it has to be a little cushion this time. With the colors of summer and a sweet melancholy at heart that somehow it is so very nearly gone, so but the pleasant anticipation for the 'silent' season we are facing now.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Modern Ceramics Artists
future is glorious gray.
The battle for the communication sovereignty is in full swing. The agencies with classical origin upgrade to digital, the agencies to prepare classic with digital backgrounds.
upgrade in this case means less to set up a new unit or a different type each agency To buy, but set the people from the various disciplines and to get them to be together creatively.
The digital agencies can of course more interactive with their technical and know-how to score points with customers, the more traditional agencies with their markenstratgischen holistic thinking and know-how.
The new Unphrase in this discussion is called "silo mentality".
While it is for agencies increasingly banished from everyday life, it is, many customers still available (for customers with less online source, such as e-commerce portals, with more customers with off-line source, such as industrial producers of goods) .
It is always interesting to watch as the bosses try digital shops, heighten the mood (of course, I have to say yes, as head of a traditional shop):
The Chairman of Razorfish , Clark Kokich has on his own Customer Summit (Summit clients) and expressed in his blog to the new agency's situation and all the rules of today's agency landscape in question.
Let's put it figuratively, he sees it: black.
Other traditional advertising prophesy again just a boost, because together a brand with the best social media campaigns, virals, with crowd sourcing or all digital opportunities can only with difficulty to build awareness.
Let's say, who see it: white.
So I would like to express sober, that the practice will, as always: great gray.
Because both have one and the other the right approach, but no final solution.
I personally believe that the creative brand Freak the creative techie is a touch ahead. In any case, they are without each other but soon no longer be able to act.
does concern me however is good to, the agency told me about a colleague.
The new managing director of an originally "traditional" agency, known from a digital Agency poached, recently advised its customers as the main medium of a "TV campaign. And receives as answer: Well, if you say as the digital, it must vote yes. If advice
credibility is now digital, We need to attract us warm.
Either way, a statement of the razor fish Chfes I can only emphasize:
Agency leaders must prepare their employees for change. We all have to do things that we have not yet done so.
Whether brand freak. Or techie.
The battle for the communication sovereignty is in full swing. The agencies with classical origin upgrade to digital, the agencies to prepare classic with digital backgrounds.
upgrade in this case means less to set up a new unit or a different type each agency To buy, but set the people from the various disciplines and to get them to be together creatively.
The digital agencies can of course more interactive with their technical and know-how to score points with customers, the more traditional agencies with their markenstratgischen holistic thinking and know-how.
The new Unphrase in this discussion is called "silo mentality".
While it is for agencies increasingly banished from everyday life, it is, many customers still available (for customers with less online source, such as e-commerce portals, with more customers with off-line source, such as industrial producers of goods) .
It is always interesting to watch as the bosses try digital shops, heighten the mood (of course, I have to say yes, as head of a traditional shop):
The Chairman of Razorfish , Clark Kokich has on his own Customer Summit (Summit clients) and expressed in his blog to the new agency's situation and all the rules of today's agency landscape in question.
Let's put it figuratively, he sees it: black.
Other traditional advertising prophesy again just a boost, because together a brand with the best social media campaigns, virals, with crowd sourcing or all digital opportunities can only with difficulty to build awareness.
Let's say, who see it: white.
So I would like to express sober, that the practice will, as always: great gray.
Because both have one and the other the right approach, but no final solution.
I personally believe that the creative brand Freak the creative techie is a touch ahead. In any case, they are without each other but soon no longer be able to act.
does concern me however is good to, the agency told me about a colleague.
The new managing director of an originally "traditional" agency, known from a digital Agency poached, recently advised its customers as the main medium of a "TV campaign. And receives as answer: Well, if you say as the digital, it must vote yes. If advice
credibility is now digital, We need to attract us warm.
Either way, a statement of the razor fish Chfes I can only emphasize:
Agency leaders must prepare their employees for change. We all have to do things that we have not yet done so.
Whether brand freak. Or techie.
Heathrow Gay Cruising Spots
Today everything is completely different
morning is usually not grade my best time of day. A little bit tired still, a bit flabby, a bit dull, and above all not at all talkative.
Mornings are not my best time of the day, still a bit of tired, a bit of flabby and dull and above all not very chatty.
That changes with the Gesprächigsein However, when I leave for morning walk. Although it's even instead of always slowly up the mountain with elastic steps, but that I do not talk and talk, with Anni but to myself I can forge dreams and splendid plans, Anni sniffing eagerly at the ground next to me and I head in the clouds. What I have not anything before. A small cafe open, I can with my sister, I can create a new rose bed or a really large vegetable garden, I can think neglected Dawanda-Shop wieder füllen und in 2 Wochen ist in unserer Hundeschule ein Vorweihnachtsbazar, nur handgemachte Dinge sind erlaubt und ich könnt dann daheim doch schnell noch ein paar neue Kerzen gießen.
Mornings are not my best time of the day, still a bit of tired, a bit of flabby and dull and above all not very chatty.
One thing is changing dramatically as soon as I and Anni are on our daily morning walks. The thing with the chattiness. My steps are still slowly, but my mind is talking and talking and talking. About all the wonderful things I could do as soon as we are home again. Making definite plans for opening a little Cafe with my sister, dig a new bed for roses or even better make a big vegetable and berry garden, sew and crochet lovely items for my much neglected Dawanda-shop or make baskets full of candles for a bazar which is held dogs in our school in a fortnight where only handmade items are allowed to offer.
The higher we climb the more daring are my plans and ideas, the more certain I am that I will tackle it immediately and instantly. But then, back home, I may able to get a nice cup of coffee, then I see a pile of clothes to iron, Anni'd play a round mouse, the next Ladund apples should be zusammengeklaubt ........... . in short, all my beautiful plans are forgotten very quickly and moved far far back, for the period in which I've done other times nothing grad.
And the higher we climb our hills, the higher are my plans and ideas and the more I am sure that today, exactly today, I will manage to bring them to life. But then, home again, I am aching for a nice cup of coffe, a big pile of laundry is demanding to be ironed, Anni wants us to play, the next apples are lying on the grass and should better be picked soon,..........well, you see, all my pretty plans are forgotten, buried in the deepest corner of my mind to be realized when there is nothing else to do.
Aber heut soll es anders sein, heut hab ich schon den Kessel mit dem Wachs aufgesetzt, ich hab all meine hübschen Borten aus dem Regal geholt, den passenden Stoff statt der Hemden gebügelt and today, yes today, I will sew and crochet flowers for my Dawandashop and for Bazar, and the cafe we get out too.
But today is different, I already heated the kettle with our bees wax, I choose some pretty ribbons, instead of shirts I ironed the matching fabrics, because today, yes really today, I want to sew bags, crochet tiny flowers and make lovely smelling candles for my Dawandashop dogs and the school bazar, and the plan with our Cafe I am surely get done so one day.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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apple taste in music.
A previously unknown band imitates iphones on their instruments and play that way her newest song in the New York subway. This idea for a music video for the first time sounds good.
is now known the band (s). The buzz on itunes sales. And of course there have to buy an entire "plate".
It is indeed amusing to see how the band members - each equipped with a brand new G4 - their music through the instruments create Apps.
However you feel the history around it, namely that of the band, the instruments were stolen and therefore they improvised in the subway, then it ripped.
as my colleague said: In the background sits somewhere the marketing manager of Apple and rubs his hands.
Market power and the resulting complacency can turn into rejection. Microsoft Apple should be a warning.
Take Me Out - Tom Atomic LIVE on NYC subway - MyVideo
A previously unknown band imitates iphones on their instruments and play that way her newest song in the New York subway. This idea for a music video for the first time sounds good.
is now known the band (s). The buzz on itunes sales. And of course there have to buy an entire "plate".
It is indeed amusing to see how the band members - each equipped with a brand new G4 - their music through the instruments create Apps.
However you feel the history around it, namely that of the band, the instruments were stolen and therefore they improvised in the subway, then it ripped.
as my colleague said: In the background sits somewhere the marketing manager of Apple and rubs his hands.
Market power and the resulting complacency can turn into rejection. Microsoft Apple should be a warning.
Take Me Out - Tom Atomic LIVE on NYC subway - MyVideo
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sailormoon Kates Playground
My personal Ta-dah-moment
After a euphoric start in May, the soon-familiar mesh pace in June, the arduous crochet in the hot July, the favorite evening jobs in August, the holiday-related sagging in September and the mournful last rows in October, she is finally ready, my Neat Ripple blanket and I have my own personal Ta-dah-moment. It has become just as I had pictured me and much much more beautiful. Even a little bit bigger, but that does not do anything, so I can safely after washing at least throw in the dryer. Oh, what am ich jetzt verliebt und auch ein bißerl stolz, daß ich so lange durchgehalten habe, es war jeden einzelnen Abend davon wert!
After my euphoric start in Mai, the then soon familiar stitchrhythm in June, the lazy crochet during the terribly hot weeks in July, the every day most looking forwarded evening activity, the vacation caused sagging in September and the most sad last rows in October, it´s finally finished, my Neat Ripple Blanket . So this is my very own Ta-dah moment, and I am so very very happy with it, it is exactly as I wanted it to be, even more better. And bigger, but that´s fine, too, because now I could throw it into the laundry dryer without fearing it will then be too small. I am so much in love with it and am I allowed to confess that I am even a bit proud about myself holded out for so long, it was worth every single stitch.
design and instruction / design and instruction : Lucy/Attic24
cotton / cotton yarn : Schachenmayr Catania in almost every available color / nearly every available color and lots of old inherited or otherwise collected no matter which company cotton yarn and a lot of old cotton yarn from my stash and friends
T H A N K Y O U, L U C Y !!!!!!!!!!
After my euphoric start in Mai, the then soon familiar stitchrhythm in June, the lazy crochet during the terribly hot weeks in July, the every day most looking forwarded evening activity, the vacation caused sagging in September and the most sad last rows in October, it´s finally finished, my Neat Ripple Blanket . So this is my very own Ta-dah moment, and I am so very very happy with it, it is exactly as I wanted it to be, even more better. And bigger, but that´s fine, too, because now I could throw it into the laundry dryer without fearing it will then be too small. I am so much in love with it and am I allowed to confess that I am even a bit proud about myself holded out for so long, it was worth every single stitch.
cotton / cotton yarn : Schachenmayr Catania in almost every available color / nearly every available color and lots of old inherited or otherwise collected no matter which company cotton yarn and a lot of old cotton yarn from my stash and friends
T H A N K Y O U, L U C Y !!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
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Each is looking for him. No one knows you.
The merging of online and offline creation has reached its peak.
in Germany.
What was foreseen long ago, is now reality. Managers lead their departments back together, because you can let the two media in the development of ideas and campaigns no longer separated from each other.
As an agency-chief is one busy to put the technical complexity of digital media in expert hands.
No matter who you talk to all in this country looking for this one: Creative Technologist.
This is the position - naively put it - between the programmers and designers.
A person who comes from computer technology and has a creative sense for campaigns and concepts. A person who is the "spinning" the creatives not the same as "impossible" abwiegelt (such as programmers like to do it), but says the programmers can go as is.
A man also who is always on the ball with the latest technological Developments, and feeds the creative people.
a hybrid, then, how to say these days to half-breeds like. A "best-of-both-worlds" type.
Irrespective of the digital luminaries I speak, I guess all of that person. The joke here is
: no one knows.
And if so, then it is as if spoken by a myth. More could one find an information architect.
But even they are rare.
So, who still is considering what job he wants to learn perspective, who should not even study computer science and then go to commercial.
now but we would have experienced a technical Project Manager helped. I have been told that there should also be some who can fill this hybrid function quite well:
The merging of online and offline creation has reached its peak.
in Germany.
What was foreseen long ago, is now reality. Managers lead their departments back together, because you can let the two media in the development of ideas and campaigns no longer separated from each other.
As an agency-chief is one busy to put the technical complexity of digital media in expert hands.
No matter who you talk to all in this country looking for this one: Creative Technologist.
This is the position - naively put it - between the programmers and designers.
A person who comes from computer technology and has a creative sense for campaigns and concepts. A person who is the "spinning" the creatives not the same as "impossible" abwiegelt (such as programmers like to do it), but says the programmers can go as is.
A man also who is always on the ball with the latest technological Developments, and feeds the creative people.
a hybrid, then, how to say these days to half-breeds like. A "best-of-both-worlds" type.
Irrespective of the digital luminaries I speak, I guess all of that person. The joke here is
: no one knows.
And if so, then it is as if spoken by a myth. More could one find an information architect.
But even they are rare.
So, who still is considering what job he wants to learn perspective, who should not even study computer science and then go to commercial.
now but we would have experienced a technical Project Manager helped. I have been told that there should also be some who can fill this hybrid function quite well:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Calculate Recurring Interest Formula
designed around the corner.
The savvy but not a consumer.
you really think our customers understand this?
Since the penny falls squarely in our target group too late. If it falls at all.
I seriously wonder, Do you know the people, to which we turn?
Mr. Zschaler, stop at last, to make smart advertising. We want to sell it.
five of fifty sayings that I myself in my Career had been listening when customers trust their customers anything. And we do so.
Or when customers get to feel flat combined with pushing is still less dangerous than that the clientele is called spiritual.
with my counter-theory to understand customers prefer less advertising, but those who do it to it even more intensively to deal with the brand, I get a potted plant.
failed Dear flat on a wide audience to be intelligent by some misunderstood. If only the market research cma data (my cover as) supplies, is it all in the paint.
The following campaign is pretty much thought around the corner. Absolutely inappropriate market research, I would say.
precisely what it apart.
It is the appearance of an NGO and - so savvy customers would now argue, perhaps - who have nothing to lose so, so you can challenge yourself with such a self-experiment out the window.
But sometimes brings the corner thought much further than brute rumbled through the middle.
Well, sir Zschaler, ic h understand that, and like MI R too, but ic h am unfortunately not the target audience.
Adorno? Hegel? WTF has to do with environmental protection? Nice campaign for Biovision by the Agency Walker, Zurich .
The savvy but not a consumer.
you really think our customers understand this?
Since the penny falls squarely in our target group too late. If it falls at all.
I seriously wonder, Do you know the people, to which we turn?
Mr. Zschaler, stop at last, to make smart advertising. We want to sell it.
five of fifty sayings that I myself in my Career had been listening when customers trust their customers anything. And we do so.
Or when customers get to feel flat combined with pushing is still less dangerous than that the clientele is called spiritual.
with my counter-theory to understand customers prefer less advertising, but those who do it to it even more intensively to deal with the brand, I get a potted plant.
failed Dear flat on a wide audience to be intelligent by some misunderstood. If only the market research cma data (my cover as) supplies, is it all in the paint.
The following campaign is pretty much thought around the corner. Absolutely inappropriate market research, I would say.
precisely what it apart.
It is the appearance of an NGO and - so savvy customers would now argue, perhaps - who have nothing to lose so, so you can challenge yourself with such a self-experiment out the window.
But sometimes brings the corner thought much further than brute rumbled through the middle.
Well, sir Zschaler, ic h understand that, and like MI R too, but ic h am unfortunately not the target audience.
Adorno? Hegel? WTF has to do with environmental protection? Nice campaign for Biovision by the Agency Walker, Zurich .
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ap Biology Lab 6 Help
Mind the gap.
question 1,000 people for their views on matters of taste, and you'll get 1,000 different answers. It was said earlier.
today, read: Do not ask 1000 people their opinion, and you'll still get 1,000 different answers. The social media do it for you.
There must be only one person who has the interest to bring a corresponding number of people on the viral barricades, and your steadfastness as a brand is put to the test.
If a great brand decides to greater - especially taste - to make changes to their product, they can expect to put a movement in motion. In most cases, a critical one.
The fashion company GAP has experienced recently have (see below).
learns from this one that should prepare a superior brand even before publication of the adverse reactions and how to behave. Amend
A logo for many millions of euros and to buckle after a few days digital headwind, shows not a particularly good communication performance.
Either I believe as an artist to a change think of the storm and show backbone. Then I will in the short term, perhaps a few old customers have less, but in the long run many more new.
Or I try to include a representative masses in the change process so that I can expect that it also like the rest of the clientele.
Then I could look but another problem in the eye, which many customers face today: a smoothly sucked market research solution that hurts but no, but nothing moved.
In this context, the mark concerned representatives also once again the phenomenon of "negative attractive" call in their heads: If man a
see change well, they sit down much less often, to leave a comment or a mail as if they find something bad.
Good will usually go without comment, like the evil will of their own frustration reacted publicity.
Just because a few professional worriers find something bad to say, that certainly does not mean that the majority of breast feeding are therefore dissatisfied.
In this context, would be interested to know how many citizens actually for Stuttgart (!) The project (we can do. Except station).
Drastic changes have to sit out.
If you believe in it.
mass demonstration on Facebook led to success.
The new logo (left) was pulled back.
question 1,000 people for their views on matters of taste, and you'll get 1,000 different answers. It was said earlier.
today, read: Do not ask 1000 people their opinion, and you'll still get 1,000 different answers. The social media do it for you.
There must be only one person who has the interest to bring a corresponding number of people on the viral barricades, and your steadfastness as a brand is put to the test.
If a great brand decides to greater - especially taste - to make changes to their product, they can expect to put a movement in motion. In most cases, a critical one.
The fashion company GAP has experienced recently have (see below).
learns from this one that should prepare a superior brand even before publication of the adverse reactions and how to behave. Amend
A logo for many millions of euros and to buckle after a few days digital headwind, shows not a particularly good communication performance.
Either I believe as an artist to a change think of the storm and show backbone. Then I will in the short term, perhaps a few old customers have less, but in the long run many more new.
Or I try to include a representative masses in the change process so that I can expect that it also like the rest of the clientele.
Then I could look but another problem in the eye, which many customers face today: a smoothly sucked market research solution that hurts but no, but nothing moved.
In this context, the mark concerned representatives also once again the phenomenon of "negative attractive" call in their heads: If man a
see change well, they sit down much less often, to leave a comment or a mail as if they find something bad.
Good will usually go without comment, like the evil will of their own frustration reacted publicity.
Just because a few professional worriers find something bad to say, that certainly does not mean that the majority of breast feeding are therefore dissatisfied.
In this context, would be interested to know how many citizens actually for Stuttgart (!) The project (we can do. Except station).
Drastic changes have to sit out.
If you believe in it.
mass demonstration on Facebook led to success.
The new logo (left) was pulled back.
Ap Bio Lab Book Lab 6
Winter is approaching
Last week we had great luck with the weather here, because we had wonderful visit. Every day in the morning only a bit of fog but quickly withdrew down the valley as we were able to explore, often with bright sunshine, the Bavarian Forest.
Last week we had beautiful autumn weather here, Which was extremly kind because we had guests. It is so much more nice to have long walks at the Bavarian Forest when the sun is shining brightly.
The beauty of visiting from northern Germany for us is often that we will make efforts always to want to show guests the beauty of nature here and explore new trails and even some cookies or back. The first two photos here are from the upper Breitenau in which I was a child so many times in the memory of almost every weekend. When we lived in the town on Sundays usually have packed the picnic basket and headed out into the mountains. Sometimes the mushroom-picking or blueberry picking, but often just to wander. We sang beautifully old-fashioned songs that I still can catch made in the soft moss, and rested a bit and usually I'm on the way back in the car slept deeply. It was exhausting too good as a little girl but the family so have together, somehow cozy for me.
Only once I have the walk then made many many years ago with my husband, very strange why then we were never there again. For me it was definitely a very special tour, with leaves rustling and familiar ways, and I very much hope that we will now go back often these old familiar ways.
A great side-effect when having guests from North Germany is, that we always try and remember to find lovely places and routes to show the beauty of the countryside here. So sometimes we also discover new lovely spots and sometimes we remember old ones which we hadn´t visited for a long time. As our walk on the Oberbreitenau on the pictures above, this is a walk where I have been so very often as a child with my parents. When we lived at town then, at the weekends we used to fill our picknick basket and climbed the hills. It was often very exhausting for me as a child, and so it is sometimes also now, but I always enjoyed those weekends with my family, we sang at our walks oldfashioned songs which I still know word by word, then had a break on the soft moss, relaxed a bit and when we finally drove back to town I was often already asleep in our car. But I completely loved this sunday Adventours, it was so very 'family' and cozy.
the weekend it became quite uncomfortable weather is here, the fog is a persistent, it has become very cold and this week they have even reported snow.
At the weekend the weather here changed, it's cold and misty the whole day through, they even reported that the first snow will be expected for wednesday.
So I got this morning from the garden to be quickly fetched a few flowers, it's not much more, but the last roses still blooming, the hydrangeas have received this beautiful washed-out colors and the asters are fortunately not yet withered.
Last week we had beautiful autumn weather here, Which was extremly kind because we had guests. It is so much more nice to have long walks at the Bavarian Forest when the sun is shining brightly.
Only once I have the walk then made many many years ago with my husband, very strange why then we were never there again. For me it was definitely a very special tour, with leaves rustling and familiar ways, and I very much hope that we will now go back often these old familiar ways.
A great side-effect when having guests from North Germany is, that we always try and remember to find lovely places and routes to show the beauty of the countryside here. So sometimes we also discover new lovely spots and sometimes we remember old ones which we hadn´t visited for a long time. As our walk on the Oberbreitenau on the pictures above, this is a walk where I have been so very often as a child with my parents. When we lived at town then, at the weekends we used to fill our picknick basket and climbed the hills. It was often very exhausting for me as a child, and so it is sometimes also now, but I always enjoyed those weekends with my family, we sang at our walks oldfashioned songs which I still know word by word, then had a break on the soft moss, relaxed a bit and when we finally drove back to town I was often already asleep in our car. But I completely loved this sunday Adventours, it was so very 'family' and cozy.
So Strange enough that I completely forgotten this well-known walk, my husband and I did it only once many many years ago and then never again. But last week it was so filled with sweet memories that I promised myself to come back now as often as possible.
At the weekend the weather here changed, it's cold and misty the whole day through, they even reported that the first snow will be expected for wednesday.
so quickly this morning I gathered the last maybe flowers for our home, there are just last a few left, like the very roses, faded colored hydrangeas Which I love even more now than in their brightly colored dresses in summer, some asters still in full bloom.
Winter is apparently in sight, perhaps I picture it to me so just one, but somehow the air smells after a snow and ice. Although I'm out there to do some things, but the end is in sight and then I can make myself comfortable there for many weeks in the house. In spring and summer, I'm so happy out in the garden, from early morning until late in the favorite, but as soon as the autumn is here looking forward and see myself back again into the warm house, where a cozy kitchen bench waiting for me, my knitting, my books , my wood polish, all the things in the previous seasons have been neglected a little. Another
the end it so slow even with my Rippledecke, I am now actually bei der letzten Reihe und bald, ganz bald hoffe ich, hab ich auch den letzten Faden vernäht und kann sie aus den Händen legen. Und mir schon mal überlegen was ich dann machen möchte.
It seems that the winter is really near now, maybe it´s just my imagination but the air is smelling different, it smells of snow and ice. There are still some small jobs to do outside, like bringing in the last pot plants or collecting the fallen apples, but the final end is in sight and I am already longing for it, now I so much fancy cosy and relaxed weeks spent inside. As much as I do love to be outside, to work in the garden, to sit on my garden bench, as much in autumn I am looking forward the months inside my warm and sheltered home, my knitting needles, my books, even my wood polish, all the thing which were neglected during the warm and sunny seasons.
It seems that there is therefore an End in sight with my ripple blanket, I am finally at my last row. Soon, hopefully very soon, I could put it aside and start to decide what to make next.
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