Monday, October 25, 2010

Sailormoon Kates Playground

My personal Ta-dah-moment

After a euphoric start in May, the soon-familiar mesh pace in June, the arduous crochet in the hot July, the favorite evening jobs in August, the holiday-related sagging in September and the mournful last rows in October, she is finally ready, my Neat Ripple blanket and I have my own personal Ta-dah-moment. It has become just as I had pictured me and much much more beautiful. Even a little bit bigger, but that does not do anything, so I can safely after washing at least throw in the dryer. Oh, what am ich jetzt verliebt und auch ein bißerl stolz, daß ich so lange durchgehalten habe, es war jeden einzelnen Abend davon wert!

After my euphoric start in Mai, the then soon familiar stitchrhythm in June, the lazy crochet during the terribly hot weeks in July, the every day most looking forwarded evening activity, the vacation caused sagging in September and the most sad last rows in October, it´s finally finished, my Neat Ripple Blanket . So this is my very own Ta-dah moment, and I am so very very happy with it, it is exactly as I wanted it to be, even more better. And bigger, but that´s fine, too, because now I could throw it into the laundry dryer without fearing it will then be too small. I am so much in love with it and am I allowed to confess that I am even a bit proud about myself holded out for so long, it was worth every single stitch.

design and instruction / design and instruction : Lucy/Attic24

cotton / cotton yarn : Schachenmayr Catania in almost every available color / nearly every available color and lots of old inherited or otherwise collected no matter which company cotton yarn and a lot of old cotton yarn from my stash and friends

T H A N K Y O U, L U C Y !!!!!!!!!!


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