Thursday, October 28, 2010

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apple taste in music.

A previously unknown band imitates iphones on their instruments and play that way her newest song in the New York subway. This idea for a music video for the first time sounds good.

is now known the band (s). The buzz on itunes sales. And of course there have to buy an entire "plate".

It is indeed amusing to see how the band members - each equipped with a brand new G4 - their music through the instruments create Apps.

However you feel the history around it, namely that of the band, the instruments were stolen and therefore they improvised in the subway, then it ripped.

as my colleague said: In the background sits somewhere the marketing manager of Apple and rubs his hands.

Market power and the resulting complacency can turn into rejection. Microsoft Apple should be a warning.

Take Me Out - Tom Atomic LIVE on NYC subway - MyVideo


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