Mornings are not my best time of the day, still a bit of tired, a bit of flabby and dull and above all not very chatty.
One thing is changing dramatically as soon as I and Anni are on our daily morning walks. The thing with the chattiness. My steps are still slowly, but my mind is talking and talking and talking. About all the wonderful things I could do as soon as we are home again. Making definite plans for opening a little Cafe with my sister, dig a new bed for roses or even better make a big vegetable and berry garden, sew and crochet lovely items for my much neglected Dawanda-shop or make baskets full of candles for a bazar which is held dogs in our school in a fortnight where only handmade items are allowed to offer.
The higher we climb the more daring are my plans and ideas, the more certain I am that I will tackle it immediately and instantly. But then, back home, I may able to get a nice cup of coffee, then I see a pile of clothes to iron, Anni'd play a round mouse, the next Ladund apples should be zusammengeklaubt ........... . in short, all my beautiful plans are forgotten very quickly and moved far far back, for the period in which I've done other times nothing grad.
And the higher we climb our hills, the higher are my plans and ideas and the more I am sure that today, exactly today, I will manage to bring them to life. But then, home again, I am aching for a nice cup of coffe, a big pile of laundry is demanding to be ironed, Anni wants us to play, the next apples are lying on the grass and should better be picked soon,..........well, you see, all my pretty plans are forgotten, buried in the deepest corner of my mind to be realized when there is nothing else to do.
Aber heut soll es anders sein, heut hab ich schon den Kessel mit dem Wachs aufgesetzt, ich hab all meine hübschen Borten aus dem Regal geholt, den passenden Stoff statt der Hemden gebügelt and today, yes today, I will sew and crochet flowers for my Dawandashop and for Bazar, and the cafe we get out too.
But today is different, I already heated the kettle with our bees wax, I choose some pretty ribbons, instead of shirts I ironed the matching fabrics, because today, yes really today, I want to sew bags, crochet tiny flowers and make lovely smelling candles for my Dawandashop dogs and the school bazar, and the plan with our Cafe I am surely get done so one day.
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