Since yesterday the weather here is beautiful, Which makes me feel like rather than the end of January last days of december.
This is surely because of the lovely sunshine, the extreme cold and the sparkling and glimmering snow everywhere. A weather we usually have only at the end of January, when winter is on it's highest point, during the last years around Christmas it was raining more often with smooth temperatures.
Our daily walks are marvelous quiet now, the snow is frozen and so we could comfortably walk on it instead of sinking into it Kneehigh. There are a lot of animal trails in the snow and I think today we have seen a fox trail and of course a lot of rabbits and deers. The hunters here started their New Year's shooting, so there are garden every now and then heard shots from the top of our hills and we stood and walked only better near our own.
evening I am now back to the knitting, and a January child is what you want for your birthday. And a new dark blue cap, and a pillow case, and so on. I get all the course never finished in January, but I think it's nice if I can do something, what he really wants.
you wish ich einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und glückliches Neues Jahr! Mögen die Dinge, die ihr euch vorgenommen habt, mit denen ihr liebäugelt und die ihr euch von Herzen wünscht in Erfüllung gehen!
At the evenings I am knitting socks, it is a birthday wish for January. Also a new navy hat, a second cushion cover, and and and. I will never ever manage this all for the birthday, but I love if someone dear lets me know what he or she really loves to be given and I am happy having the opportunity to make presents by my own.
I am wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year! May whatever you wish from the bottom of your hearts, your intentions and the things you fancy be fulfilled and come true!
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