future is glorious gray.
The battle for the communication sovereignty is in full swing. The agencies with classical origin upgrade to digital, the agencies to prepare classic with digital backgrounds.
upgrade in this case means less to set up a new unit or a different type each agency To buy, but set the people from the various disciplines and to get them to be together creatively.
The digital agencies can of course more interactive with their technical and know-how to score points with customers, the more traditional agencies with their markenstratgischen holistic thinking and know-how.
The new Unphrase in this discussion is called "silo mentality".
While it is for agencies increasingly banished from everyday life, it is, many customers still available (for customers with less online source, such as e-commerce portals, with more customers with off-line source, such as industrial producers of goods) .
It is always interesting to watch as the bosses try digital shops, heighten the mood (of course, I have to say yes, as head of a traditional shop):
The Chairman of Razorfish , Clark Kokich has on his own Customer Summit (Summit clients) and expressed in his blog to the new agency's situation and all the rules of today's agency landscape in question.
Let's put it figuratively, he sees it: black.
Other traditional advertising prophesy again just a boost, because together a brand with the best social media campaigns, virals, with crowd sourcing or all digital opportunities can only with difficulty to build awareness.
Let's say, who see it: white.
So I would like to express sober, that the practice will, as always: great gray.
Because both have one and the other the right approach, but no final solution.
I personally believe that the creative brand Freak the creative techie is a touch ahead. In any case, they are without each other but soon no longer be able to act.
does concern me however is good to, the agency told me about a colleague.
The new managing director of an originally "traditional" agency, known from a digital Agency poached, recently advised its customers as the main medium of a "TV campaign. And receives as answer: Well, if you say as the digital, it must vote yes. If advice
credibility is now digital, We need to attract us warm.
Either way, a statement of the razor fish Chfes I can only emphasize:
Agency leaders must prepare their employees for change. We all have to do things that we have not yet done so.
Whether brand freak. Or techie.
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