Friday, February 11, 2011

Eagle Scout Project Plans For Building A Bench


.... or "Get out of my heart and find joy." These words have recently occurred to me, as I found in a second-hand shop a small oil painting. I could watch it for hours, I like the soft colors as well, all with a slight undertone faded, and the old-fashioned roses so wonderful. I like it very much, it is full of joy and light and this time I was just at the right time and right place.

"Go forth, my heart, and seek delight ........", those words of Paul Gerhardt just recently came to my mind Not only at summer, the whole year through we can find so much delight in every day, like finding this little oil painting in a second-hand warehouse. The colors so soft and gentle, the roses so very old-fashioned. I love it a lot, it's filled with serenity and light.

.... a wonderful new dish from a recipe from Israel by my favorite cooking blog tried. It is quite straightforward, the ingredients are available everywhere, it worked right the first time and tastes so delicious, and for more, that it is taken firmly into the repertoire.

.... cooking a new recipe from my favorite cooking blog Which Came originally from Israel (the recipe, not the blog!). It's completely easy to make, the ingredients are available in even the tiniest town, it succeded by my first attempt and it's so awfully delicious that it will be an essential part of my future cooking repertoire. (There is a translator at the blog on the left hand side, if you want to try this recipe, too.)

..... saved displayed in the library and flea market in front of the paper container. There, walking into all the books after six months, the books no one wants. It's a fat girl book of 1957 with many short stories about different careers, life in other countries, the right of arranging flowers in vases and such nice things as the heart of politeness. Just the thing for a cup of morning coffee to browse it.
.... our library here has a fleamarket with all the books they either do not need anymore for the library itself or the books Which are given to them by readers. There I found this wonderful book for girls from 1957, a thick book filled with many short stories about different jobs, the life and customs of foreign countries, the best of arranging flowers at home and such lovely things like the politeness of the heart. The perfect company for a coffe moring after a walk with Annie.

.... now quickly put under the melting snow in a bowl outside discovered. I have no idea anymore what I have planted there last fall and whether they will survive the next few frosty nights, but only to see this sign of approaching spring I voted all day happy.
.... almost under the melting snow I have found this garden just yesterday in one of the pots in my. I have no idea what or who they are, what I've planted there last autumn, and no idea Whether they will stand the next width frosty nights. But given their sign of spring filled my heart with gladness the whole day through. And still does.

...... a small shop in Austria, which still sells handkerchiefs. With all the beautiful old colorful flower patterns.
..... on tuesday discovered in Austria. A small shop sells fabric Which still handkerchiefs. So very pretty with their little old flower patterns.

.... and finally made the back part of a master traditional garb. I have long searched for a user manual, and finally a magazine for found. But Kraus law is a pattern that never seemed to grow as much as you also knit. The ranks to shrink and is measured and knits on and we measure again, and still is, has not produced much. But now is the back finished and now I do really like the pattern.

And what were your joys in the last days?
..... for such a long time I was looking for an instruction for a traditional jacket. It really took me some years to find it. In that every shop where I asked for it, the owner always told me so many customers would like to have instructions for real traditional clothes, not the funky modern traditional-style ones, but seemingly no one is producing them anymore. (Which is really sad, especially here in Bavaria, where traditional shop bought clothes are still very often offered.) The jacket is knitted in only knit stitches, a pattern which seemingly don´t grow ever. As often as I measured and then knit again row by row, many of them, it seemed that the back will never end. But now it´s done and while making it I learned to love this pattern. Easy and comfy, one of the best evening knits.

Ad now I would so much love to hear your delights, found during your recent days!


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