Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alter Ego Conditioner

True creative courage.

A few months ago I had in our agency one of these usual introductory talks with a director.

These meetings, I'm very happy. The personal relationship between creative director and can affect a rotation significantly. And so it is for me to exercise due diligence, the person behind the role to feel before I start a job impart.

So I escape the unpleasant - not, unfortunately, in today's rare - situation, meet the director of PPM in the first person - in order to possibly determine that the chemistry between us is not true.

said in introductory conversation, I met Kai Very that after several years in the U.S. will again foothold in Europe.

addition to his role with better commercials that time he mentioned a documentary film project that he was currently in the final production.

Now it's done and it made me spontaneously fascinated


This film is about a skateboarding school in Afghanistan.

your face founding goes something like this: An innocent Americans accompanied by the year 2007, his girlfriend, who is a social worker in Kabul. The man is skateboarding freak. In order to make himself useful, he begins after a while, the children in Kabul to teach skateboarding.

feels the couple, that connect and create peace force this activity among children of different tribes, and founded a skateboard school.

had at the beginning of the skateboard teachers bring the board in secret to the country. Meanwhile, the project has made a name around the world so that at least no more smuggling necessary.

When Kai learns of the very enterprise he is so fascinated that he appeals to spontaneously make a film about the project.

Without budget. But with a lot of empathy and enthusiasm.

people risk their lives to carry a message to the world.

that's real creative courage.

(And do not think as many gold hunters, the product in the film show not possible).


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