Usually in January, I still keep some winter decoration in my home. The tree and all the Christmas decoration is brought into the cellar again on Epiphany, but some fir-cones and-twigs, winter, children and candle houses are still on my window sills and shelves. But not this year, I am so much longing for bright colors, flowers and open windows already. Maybe that's simply because of the rain much during the last days, the rapidly melting snow and the air outside border.
Outside it is still dark and gloomy, heavy rain clouds are always darkening the sky and it´s also terribly noisy. A noise which sounds as if a motorway is right in front of our garden, but it´s not the traffic which caused this loudness, it´s the water of hundreds of suddenly appeared and very lively brooks which now are running down to the valley. That´s a bit frightening, because this is so much water and so much twigs and stones they carry with them and this all will overflow the villages on the food of our hills.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend, especially those who live down in the valleys and in river valleys and plains: it spends comfortably dry in houses, we hope that the Schlimmste bald überstanden ist.
Inside the house it is quiet and peaceful, that certain silence and slowly atmosphere of January which means the world is still asleep. Down in town there are already colourful primulas and other promising spring bulbs availabel and I couldn´t resist to buy some. Of course, there will be more snow this winter and of course we will have another couple of very cold days, but at the moment I don´t want to think of it, at the moment I want to dream a bit of flowers and bees and butterflys.
Have a lovely weekend, and especially the ones of you who live down in the valleys, may it be a comfortable weekend in 'dry' houses.
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