The State of the Nation Happy New Year 2011
I am a passionate supporter of democracy, but I ask myself again, democracy does actually still with us? Our Chancellor has boasted of having everything under control, they really mean? I have the impression that she takes care of the big problems (of which perhaps we should sometimes let their fingers) but the problems of the masses left behind. She is excited by the momentary upswing in the industry to try to give the impression that she and her government have their fingers in the game. No, it's just the time when the global economy they have been inundated with their effects, this time for their benefit and our benefit. Sometimes it seems
from, as they would like to take control over Europe. But what about the problems from within the country? The nuclear industry made concessions, the industry will also pampered, but otherwise, for the citizen to show a very different world, especially for the Hartz IV recipients. He is the annoying appendage to the economic recovery. For him, the government has not even the five € ready in time, as would Mrs. von der Leyen like to fight for every cent, while the government is throwing out billions otherwise decided generously and quickly. We have a sense of mission. We are the do-gooders, we save the world. The noise the economic boom we optimistically proclaimed that bring unemployed back to work. First you throw them out because they are too old and at the same time you decide that the pension to 67 will set up and then the employee is suddenly not too old. What kind of a reality thinking. The economy is constantly streamline the process of releasing people, as they call it so elegant. It looks as if the stock of Hartz IV recipients enshrined for all time. They would then provide a fixed cost, such as waste disposal, because the employer while pursuing the goal of producing more unemployed. It contribute profits to defend with the situation on the world market. While the Chancellor praised the thriving economy, while at the same time, this, their engineers are constantly developing new ideas for machines that will tempt even more efficient work and the contractor in the future continue to free up even more workers. A crazy cycle.
And always will grow the number of unemployed, for sure there are people, for sure there are stories, for sure we should not lose sight of, but they disturb the general picture.
it less and less finishing work will be paying into the pension fund. Currently there are more people back into work, it nice to statistics, with hidden will work under what conditions these people, a € jobs, temporary work and low pay. The government controls blindly into a situation in the future pensioners live in poverty. She thinks no intention to change the system of financing the pension funds. It makes no effort to develop new ideas that will meet future requirements. We will be a prosperous country, which also has no other purpose than to manage the misery of its people. No I do not see any constructive perspectives. I see only one move before him. We constantly be kept in fear and terror, the industry is flourishing and rising costs, why? Because the government a false idea of the freedom of the economy. Because the government in this bizarre combination of CDU and FDP does not have the backbone to speak a word of power. It has been important tools in the hand. The railway, the nuclear industry, the energy industry. Over all it has no influence. The government is the balance of his hand slipped, the balance between the interests of its citizens, which would have to be very front and the free economy. And at the end of this government is, in my opinion morally no longer entitled to government. It works with a party that has been around for some time below the five-percent hurdle. Normally, the FDP would be under these circumstances never been able to govern with. And yet subject to the whisperings of schwächelden CDU party because they must respect the coalition agreement. Here's something not yet!
sees the moment it sad that no one can get them back onto, no one has seem the strength and resilience, and the parties again to lose long been the main target of the eye: they are there, elected by the people, the interests of the population to represent and to provide for their welfare. Instead, they tear each other apart in power struggles.
And then we have a constitution that binds to the President's hands. He could in an emergency be the man (of course only as a non-party) who speaks a word of power. But, he has not finally determined.
see the moment I have no reason to be proud of this democracy.
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