I am completely obsessed with writing lists. I love to write them so much, long lists about all the things I would love to do, things I should do and then finally the things that really had to be done. My lists are long, much too long, and whenever I read them with so many items on them, they paralize me, it's seems that this hills are too high for me to climb, that I do not even know where to start . Sun I rarely make them come true, I better start to write down a new list.
Hoff at least I, since I bought it.
Just lately I was in a bookstore and there was a big pile of the book "The Happinezz Project. Of course, the pile was tempting and so I leafed through the book and found the most wonderful and brilliant idea in it. The author parted one year into months, and every month she made a certain project to become happy. (And I hope that she finally was, I had not bought the book.)
I was so excited that I nearly flyed back home to write my next list. With all the things I want to make, achieve and have to do this year. Then I devided it in 12 months and tadah, the lists per month are very short now, really managable. Why had I never before thought of such a simple but surely very effectful solution! Now I will have one full month to concentrate on a certain project and above all, full eleven months to forget it, to spend no single thought on it. So brilliant, such a touch of genious. Now even the most worst things like cleaning the windows in the cellar with all their hundred of cobwebs are not worrying me until April, and in the same month I will dig a new flower bed and this is so wonderful to looking forward.
I have started into the new year with best plans and lists, this month I will concentrate only on some birthday gifts. Nothing else. That's so very reliefing, I think I never before felt so liberated and at the same filled with energy. Now I have the feeling I could manage and finish everything I have ever written on one of my lists. Month by month. This was a very good start into the New Year for me and I hope and wish that yours was so, too!
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