Thursday, December 3, 2009
Replacement Plastic Stand For Samsung Tv
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I Masterbate With My Sister
After many months, but once again what I write ... Well what about news: Season 7 is currently still the likely end in 3-4 weeks. According to wow wiki went hand Wotlk each season is 17-18 weeks. Season 7, on September 1 begonnen.Das means we are now in the 13th week. That means if one of them takes the ausgehtdas Season 17-18 weeks, would end the current season on December 28 or 06 January. In addition, the ESL Intel Extreme Masters started fourth Everyone had the opportunity to participate. One had only mitArmory link and ESL links from each team by email anmelden.Dann gave it a 2-week phase where we played to proceed Ladder hat.Die first 8 of the ladder have higher qualifications. Everyone had to play the election race and what class you want. Played in Season 5 Ausrüstung.Aus the PvE area, only things to Kelthuzad (25 mm) available.
The top 8 of the ladder were these:
Rock Roll pigtails - Rating: 1892
Emo Patrol Whoopass - Rating: 1888 - Rating: 1885
Death Row - Rating: 1851
RNG PARTY - Rating: 1850
Itsallgoodnahmean - Rating: 1844
No Surprises - Rating: 1841
pwning noobs all day long - Rating: 1839
were also invited to this Turnier.Diese were 8 teams after the invited to proceed to what success they had been in WoW in the ESL. So regardless of their current rating davonwie on the live realm is offline and unabhängigvon other tournaments like MLG etc.
SK Gaming WOW PvP EU
SK GAMING Zanzibar
already being Gruppenphasen.Die the groups look like this:
Every Monday, nearly all games live übertragen.Man has the chance the games free to verfolgenauf ESL. The reps you can also charge anschauen.Hier the repetitions because of recent weeks: If you
the quality is too bad, you have you pay about 3 € per month. But this is not really a subscription, so you spontaneously könntetjetzt one months and ordered not paid for next month.
way I play well in this tournament with a team under the name H2k-Gaming.Thermaltake .
We could win our first game 3-2, but unfortunately the very knapp.Das result would have looked different would have been if my keinendisconnect Mate Instance. But like they say could have been so nice if ... blabla.Wie However, our next game is next Saturday at 18 Uhrgegen .
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Free Communication Board
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Good Have Yoghurt Have Stomach Bug
Warning: The
following lines contain hazardous substances, the sensitive minds of the joy of Christmas can go bad!
The Christmas Tsunami
... ... .. is destructive of a great power. It includes everything that can bring blessed water to it; beneficial and destructive. Every year it flooded half the world. Long before the festival begins you can feel the threatening undertow and the tremendous force that emanates from him. He begins with the early Christmas sweets offered in stores. They have an incredible, seductive pull straight to the boys. Impatience emanates from them, great expectations are created, needs to be felt. Long before the party requests must be formulated and determined efforts are made to be prepared. They want to be well prepared when the big, emotional tidal wave breaks has come over us. Since there is no use if we defend ourselves when we resist us, here is an emotional dynamic at work which destroyed any resistance and only a few proven true Christmas hero brings forth, who have the strength to oppose the power of the Christmas choirs.
The great mystery of Christmas is its strong emotional anchor, and the desire for solemnity, to spiritually emotional collection, for the extraordinary, to uplift from the everyday. Since the completely unmusical even feel the insatiable desire of the festivity of the day in oblique dissonances to pay their tribute. There is the joy of earthly delights and allow excess. As the great pleasure it is to reflect the solemnity of the day in decorative glitter leave. As an innocent tree is uprooted from its natural environment into a living room as a decoration to dry up support. And as the insatiable desire is a little long to get desire in feigned innocent surprise gift that you have to probably end up paying more themselves.
And last not least because the possibility of a loved one in a selfless gesture, a joy to make.
Just one question: Do we need to really Christmas? Haleluja.
PS is hard to describe the excessive Joy that I felt when writing these lines!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
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The Left
the Federal Republic of Germany boasts of being a democratic country. This country has fulfilled all the criteria include the term "democratic". (Really?)
Nevertheless, I live very often feel in a country of small minds. I am referring primarily to the way we classify our democratically elected parties. Among them there are always parties who are touched by the major parties only seen images of the pinch clamp. The deal
situation as the various parties together reminds me a little of "Brehm's Animal Life." If
is introduced as a closed community of elephants in the Zoological Gardens, a new member, immediately starts the tussle and the new entrants should have to put up with, can see where you, that even those from the group that had not previously green , New together against the action. It takes some time until a new equilibrium is established group after it was made clear who should take over what rank.
Now I have always thought that the human species has evolved as the animals and she has learned with equal tolerant and respectful to each other.
I pick out the one example of how the established parties that That bypass are entered after the fall of the political spectrum in Germany. The present left.
Before I would like to continue outer me clarify that I am neither a member of the Left, have voted for the Left. I try to only assess the situation. The leftists do exist, however, so they are in some states represented surprisingly strong. They have a big mistake, they have evolved from the former SED of a totalitarian state to a democratically elected party. Here you should see the word developed positively, because they meet all the criteria that the law requires of them, making them a party approved by the Federal Returning Officer are. Just because they represent in some ways a relatively extreme position, we have no right to a lump sum and to present their ever-developing from a dictatorship to democracy as unreliable and disreputable. Everyone has a right to change it to a party and the voters have a right to be taken seriously and respected as long as it under the terms of democracy can be nothing to be guilty. (I remember at this point to quote from Konrad Adenauer: What I care about my talk from yesterday)
It is a democratically undignified spectacle de 100 000 from voters in their sincerity into question.
It is a sad truth; that left the Social Democrats have partly taken over from the hand, because otherwise lost some of their program points the Social Democrats since its early years.
Socialists can not and do not see that they are threatened in their existence, if they continue to refuse a collaboration with the left. It would be easy to link to their credibility to test out if they would include in a coalition. Then they have to make government work realistic and true colors and show whether they are as a party capable of political action or not. But the SPD has missed this opportunity. That could prove such a collaboration work CDU and CSU in decades. Both were raised on one side is as independent parties, but always fight together, and closed as a party. Why should it not work for the left and the SPD also. Then we had
least capable of acting counter-weight in the party.
Basically I fear that come with a merger of CDU, CSU and FDP, the social aspects of society too short.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Commercial Offers Letter
Although the President of the Maldives already on their purchase of countries in India for its population - the Global Climate Action Day of has made headlines, he manages to beat even this again:
The last cabinet meeting is literally dropped into water to make the world attention to the problem of climate change. The Cabinet met abruptly under water, and signed there a call to the UN climate conference in Copenhagen.
The diving suits were subsequently signed and will be auctioned to protect coral reefs ...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sample Welcome To Church As A Member Letter
During the UNFCCC Intersessional in Bonn in June, 50 young activists came together for a "train the trainer" seminar by Young Friends of the Earth . In different groups (media, action and policy) they were trained to train other young people. th in regional groups they organized their own conferences for October 8 th to 11 .
In Berlin, 55 young people from Germany and central and eastern Europe gathered to share their experience and visions. In talks they got the basics of climate change politics and worked in workgroups on policy, media and action. On Friday they were joined by politicians from the EU parliament, the german Ministry of Environment and the UK embassy to discuss with them. They young activists got the chance to lobby the politicians and get an insight impression on how politics is working to tackle climate change.
But only talking doesn’t change anything. So the action group started to plan their own little action to go onto the streets and wake up the people.
So we have been out on the streets of Berlin on Saturday. A big ticking clock symbolized time running out. Different subjects and dangerous effects of climate change were announced while politicians in suits and lobbyist groups like the industry just stood around the giant clock just doing useless BlaBlaBla-talk. They just watched time ticking away securing their cut and doing nothing. At 5 minutes to high noon all people on the street were asked to ACT NOW and take action.
On the crowded streets this action draw a lot of attention and a lot of flyers were given out to inform on the upcoming negotiations in Copenhagen. The people were very interested and a lot of discussions were started.
The conference ended with a lot of newly engaged activists spreading the word in their towns and countries. The goal is clear – we demand a strong, fair and binding treaty in Copenhagen.
No more time for useless talk – Time is up to ACT NOW!
Action during the Act now regional conference in Berlin (if you have problems with the HD-video just turn off the HD)
Lm339 Comparator Hysteresis
Cheat neutral – without additional pain and suffering
Cheating on your partner usually causes grief and suffering. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Now you can offset the pain by paying someone else to be faithful. This way the amount of cheating on the world is limited to the current level and the total balance is even. We can make this world a better place. Register at and find someone to be faithful for you so you don’t have to be. Or even better – if you are faithful already let others pay you for that.
Cheating neutral – 12 minutes that are worth the time.
A simple solution that is already working today
This is not a new solution. We already do it with our carbon emissions. Europe for example wants to reduce its emissions by 20-30% until 2020. But reducing carbon emissions means you have to invest into expensive clean technologies or even worse – change our precious lifestyle.
Since this would reduce our wealth and the money we can make here, politicians figured out a way to limit the efforts that have to be undertaken by our companies (and us as consumers) – we can go on like nothing happens. Companies just give money to developing countries and reduce emissions there. That is much cheaper than develop new technologies and reduce the carbon at home. This is called carbon offsetting.
Offsetting means cheating on developing countries
While offsetting might work for reduction targets of 20-30%, it won’t work if we take into account that we will have to reduce our emissions globally by 85% until 2050. To reach that goal we have to reduce our global emissions dramatically and also the developing countries have to reduce their emissions. If the wealthy industrialized countries use all cheap possibilities in the global south today, the developing countries won’t have chance to reduce their emissions later because all the cheaper and easier ways are all ready used to brighten our statistics. Once again we pretend to help them and instead we only ensure our way of living and our markets to expand.
For the fight against global warming we need new and green technologies. If the companies have the possibility to get the carbon reduction by paying a little bit of money they won’t invest into new technologies. We just buy some time (which we don’t have) and don’t solve the problem itself. That is everything but not sustainable.
The industrialized countries lived for decades off the cheap and dirty energy we produce. We already used up more than our fair share of the worlds resources. The only reason the world didn’t collapse before is, that there are still billions of people living under poorest and simplest conditions.
Instead of using backdoors for our responsibilities we have to invent new and clean technologies, reduce our own carbon emissions and pay for our climate debts by giving poor countries knowledge, money and technology to hold them from making the same mistakes we did.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Lymphoma Tingling Fingers
Ihr interessiert euch für das Thema Klima, seid zwischen 18 und 29 Jahre alt und würdet gerne mehr dazu wissen und Mobilisierungs-Aktionen ? Perform Then you
are applying for the Youth Regional Conference of the "Act Now!" Team! These take place in Malmo, Toulouse, Dublin and of course take place in Berlin.
Participants receive training in the fields of media, actions and policies to mobilize action to return home for Copenhagen implement and raise awareness for climate change. Apply
you can you HERE.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
How To To Put Stay Free
Politicians take the opportunity to resolve difficult situations with great speeches and make promises at the same time impossible, for the dishonor they will be held to account extremely rare.
election banter
Since there are so many definitions and explanations of the term "policy" is still, I have no other choice than to seek its own definition and come to the conclusion that: The policy
help the democratically elected parties with the use of them by the voters given the state of power to the risks from the outside and inside to protect. They should make the internal justice of the social structures, and will bring peace and make sure that none of its citizens suffer degrading lives, and must lead. The state should use every available means to the general welfare of its citizens to preserve and promote. The State should limit the freedom of development, if it goes at the expense of others.
is currently campaigning. In such times, very much like the word "peace" in the mouth taken while people talk of "campaign" is. And something else, it is not good. I see only how the parties try to cut each other in the pan, put their opponent's candidate in a bad light.
It promises are made, the same empty words and often irresponsible, because they most likely are not feasible. By
other subject to the dishonest handling of taxpayers' money, will be out to their own integrity, then again at the end of the other party be caught in another financial questionable to. It is also interesting that one explains the other party to the opponent. In the end, all declare themselves to the enemy and I wonder as a voter, how to come out in opposition to such a good thing for the state. One can not have only the key of this statement. Or should they all be right?
what the parties really want and what they can be really, I do not know. Everyone wants to get my health in a different way and that confused me, of course. Everyone claims to have in the bag by itself the key of wisdom. When one is mistaken, then it is definitely the others. And if that'd be choice, include only the majority and at the end are those who have the "only truth" represented forced to team up with those that they themselves previously described as incompetent. Thus the wisdom combined with stupidity and the result is mediocrity. This is probably the only form of government we deserve: mediocrity.
A government whose powers are bound by mediocrity. Where is the politician of his goals, the correctness of his business is so very convinced that he dares to fail?
protects against one thing only: mediocrity. Since one has to be elected the greatest guarantee again.
As if the only objective is to get elected?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where Buy Enema, Toronto
Some time ago I read in the book "Who am I" by Richard David Precht some philosophical reflections on the concept of self. For all the love for philosophy, I think such analysis very academic. It appealed to me but also my "mustard" to give this:
And now I: fight
As the psychologists and philosophers, physicians on the concept of "I".
I wonder, is it here to dogmatism, to science or to the absolute truth. Why do we have to do in our constant striving for profundity such considerations?
there can be no doubt when someone says I'm here, that we you know what he means. He, the person X. whose face is identical with what is scanned on the document of his passport, we know it or not, appears before us, we make a picture of him, his appearance remains in our memory, we remember his body to its size , of his attitude to the way he goes to his voice, his peculiarities, and if we see him again, we say, there he is. He, who introduced himself by saying I am here.
We now know about its identity. But of course that is only the outward form of his ICH. It's kind of an envelope, a book is assigned and, therefore, of course, always the same Appearance has. When we see it, we know that the book is so and so. But now a book has the great advantage that we can open it and read it and learn of its contents. However, the person who introduced himself to me by saying that I am, here I am to decide whether to let me read her book or not. You can also change your text constantly and I always represent different, that is to say, it is not so simple a person can recognize the content, meaning that it not be made where the identity is so simple. But especially if the person is completely different clothes, a different hairstyle At length, or even undergoes facial surgery. If they then shifted their vote and are suddenly very different beliefs and opinions of themselves, of course we will have difficulty here is the old I recognize that we once imagined. So the philosophers are right when they say that we have difficulty with the concept of the I?
I think we are at this point quite a bit advanced, for if the essence, that's to us once here with the phrase introduced I immediately remove the blood receives, we would be documented in the position its genetic code and thus could then we always see the old self.
As far as my observation about a person outside of my Body.
But it looks to my own I? I think that the questions can be answered easily, of course, up to an exceptional situation. That later. I recognize myself constantly through my own consciousness. When I wake up in the morning, I know who I am. I know that I am the same person who is in the morning before waking up too. And the day before and the day before, etc. When I look in the mirror every morning, I realize now that I see it there, I yesterday, and may the day before yesterday, etc., etc. I remember my past more or less facts and events and can arrange that may have sat through a total of only ICH. Until the date on which I by any unfortunate accident my memory was lost, but I am then I still, even if I do not know, my genetic code has remained the same. The ego is inseparable, it is composed of body and mind, which means that I play is not only in our brains but because the brain is supplied by the body is that I need a whole inseparable.
So far, so good, now I do only one term in the way, where I let the soul? It is hidden somewhere in the ME! I think they have been removed from the ME and that's not in my opinion correctly, the soul is body and mind in itself, it is nothing more than another expression for ICH. If I die, there is no more and I therefore no soul. The elements of my body dissolve and become one with the universe. Since then, my soul is!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Dream Of Cat With Used Tampax
hey everybody in the world: we've finally got the webpage of a.wohlstands-merkel in english!

please sign and ask angela merkel that way to ensure that environmental refugees are covered by the geneva refugee convention, that industrialised countries reduce their carbon emissions domesticly by 40% by 2020 (and 100% by 2050) and that rich countries pay their climate debts!
at the act now-regional conference in berlin (october 8th to 11th) we want to hand over the signatures to the ministry for economic co-operation and delevopement and until then we need a whole bunch of signatures... so please sign and forward this mail to every mailing list you know!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Can You Have Herpes On Your Scalp

On Monday of last week did the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein - dissolve Parliament after a fight with the coalition partner, the SPD - Peter-Harry Carstensen (CDU). A two-thirds majority is due to a refusal by the SPD, however, it does not come together.
was then also the application of the SPD to immediate decommissioning of the nuclear power plant postponed crumbs - with the approval of the Greens. On the very same day announced Carstensen, all Socialist ministers and replace them with Christian Democrats, such as women Trauernicht (SPD, Social Security, also responsible for nuclear regulatory) by our agriculture and environment minister Christian von Boetticher (CDU). This was very surprised, but he knew himself better in European issues than in issues of nuclear safety.