The Christmas Tsunami
Warning: The
following lines contain hazardous substances, the sensitive minds of the joy of Christmas can go bad!
The Christmas Tsunami
... ... .. is destructive of a great power. It includes everything that can bring blessed water to it; beneficial and destructive. Every year it flooded half the world. Long before the festival begins you can feel the threatening undertow and the tremendous force that emanates from him. He begins with the early Christmas sweets offered in stores. They have an incredible, seductive pull straight to the boys. Impatience emanates from them, great expectations are created, needs to be felt. Long before the party requests must be formulated and determined efforts are made to be prepared. They want to be well prepared when the big, emotional tidal wave breaks has come over us. Since there is no use if we defend ourselves when we resist us, here is an emotional dynamic at work which destroyed any resistance and only a few proven true Christmas hero brings forth, who have the strength to oppose the power of the Christmas choirs.
The great mystery of Christmas is its strong emotional anchor, and the desire for solemnity, to spiritually emotional collection, for the extraordinary, to uplift from the everyday. Since the completely unmusical even feel the insatiable desire of the festivity of the day in oblique dissonances to pay their tribute. There is the joy of earthly delights and allow excess. As the great pleasure it is to reflect the solemnity of the day in decorative glitter leave. As an innocent tree is uprooted from its natural environment into a living room as a decoration to dry up support. And as the insatiable desire is a little long to get desire in feigned innocent surprise gift that you have to probably end up paying more themselves.
And last not least because the possibility of a loved one in a selfless gesture, a joy to make.
Just one question: Do we need to really Christmas? Haleluja.
PS is hard to describe the excessive Joy that I felt when writing these lines!
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