Today I do not know quite how to start, because I'm still quite overwhelmed by such a wonderful new pictures that I found on Flickr. Normally I'm not so talented in technical matters and particularly forums such as Flickr or Ravelry pose for me is still a thousand secrets. Yesterday I could but suddenly discovered that they also provide on Flickr favorites, join groups and leave comments. Yes, certainly some smiling now, but so what I need always a bit longer. But the most beautiful of all was that I in this way, a new Blog gefunden habe der so voller herrlicher Ideen und Kreativität ist, ihr müßt ihn unbedingt besuchen und einfach nur genießen. Und ich? Ich kann mich nicht an den Bildern sattsehen und sammle schon Ideen, Ideen, Ideen.
Today I don´t really know how to start because I am still simply overwhelmed by all the beautiful pictures I found lately on Flickr. Usually I am a completely wreck when it comes to technical things, I am not very talented in this and sites like Ravelry or Flickr still contain hundreds of secrets to me. But yesterday I have discovered that you could make your own site for your favorits, join groups and even leave comments. Oh, I could imagine very well that some of you are smiling about me now, about my stupidness. But what I actually wanted to tell you is, that along this way I found such a wonderful new blog , Which is a blog filled with so many gorgeous ideas and inspirations, here use of color is simply wonderful, I so much love this old painted furniture. So please, please, please have a look and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do. And me? I still admiring and collecting ideas, ideas, ideas.
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