The Arena Tournament Realm running again. The number of teams and players is much higher than last year. Accordingly, the competition is much higher. Currently provides for the placement like this:
about the teams:
Seat 1: Paladin (forteh) Death Knight (lawdy), Warlock (Inflame)
2nd: Priest (Hydra), Mage (Care Koala), Rogue (Kalimist)
For the rest I'm just too lazy, just click on the teams, then you see also the combo.
We are currently ranked eighth We are currently trying to RMP for 2 weeks, there is a lot more to it.
| first | nightmare | Arena Tournament 1 | | 89 | 18 | 2436 | |
| second | we r randoms | Arena Tournament 1 | | 189 | 65 | 2401 | |
| third | AAA RAT | Arena Tournament 1 | | 129 | 71 | 2362 | |
| fourth | NOP | Arena Tournament 1 | | 111 | 47 | 2320 | |
| fifth | Squishy squish | Arena Tournament 1 | | 81 | 38 | 2319 | |
| 6th | BOMBED | Arena Tournament 1 | | 163 | 73 | 2309 | |
| 7th | Almost Famous | Arena Tournament 1 | | 201 | 84 | 2303 | |
| 8th | entered pieces | Arena Tournament 1 | | 133 | 79 | 2285 | |
| 9th | Improved Clickz | Arena Tournament 1 | | 143 | 73 | 2273 | |
| 10th | PHM | Arena Tournament 1 | | 109 | 41 | 2271 | |
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