science fiction, the story of our time?
What has changed really essential?
Previously, we have our stories and today we are a development, the Science fiction ideas. was constantly in the story unusual. There were wizards, good and evil. There was powder, bring recipes that unusual.
very different if it is not in the science-fiction.
Space, what fascinates us actually so much because we are not even able to solve the problems of the world and already we aspire to more. It is difficult for this phenomenon a to find explanation. Basically, the man is by nature curious and interested in him is all that unusual, very rare and are not feasible, is desirable, however.
We are encouraged by the nature of the diverse actions. We watch the fish and already we have the desire to arm ourselves with appropriate devices and equipment in order to advance in their field. Just as we were
inspired by the birds.
It has found no rest to let the people an opportunity to raise themselves from the earth, just as independent and free to float in the air like a bird.
But that's still not enough for us, we are still too small, we do out in the vastness of the Universe and the vehicles and equipment which we do not have to reinvent ourselves in our imagination. In the field we are very far. In our imagination, in the science fiction, there is nothing that we can not reach.
We have spaceships that every situation grew that travel even faster than light in space. It will be beamed that the only way crashes. We have a Stargate, which we penetrate within thousandths of a second in any galaxy. Since we do not even need a spaceship.
Every time something impossible, and seems to be unsolvable, let us think of a solution based on the one hand, a certain probability and can include in their implementation, we are light years away in reality. It is interesting that even scientists approach these unusual ideas, and consider it worth considering.
And here starts the interesting question.
Why put so much energy into trying to find a viable solution for our fantastic ideas.
We have already managed to penetrate into space, but this first step also shows us how very far we are from a solution, the approach comes even close to the ideas of the imagination.
The idea of science fiction, rests first on the imagination of some in of science as a fantasist taner be writers, but have also many scientists to be inspired by this theme. One of the early scientific romantic authors was Jules Verne, to name just a name. He worked with a lot of scientific and technical intuition. we deal with these utopian ideas in a long while, or is there something deep inside that drives us, that we do not rest. And, it is perhaps in a few centuries or even millennia in retrospect to realize that it was not a human instinct for play, but one in us, we are not aware of expectant energy drive?
we doing something sometime in the future, once a major Makes sense to preserve the human race or life of the human species? Will we find one day that it was good to play these unusual ideas by or for carrying in part because they provide humanity with opportunity given to cure a serious crisis that threatens life on this earth, and thus a solution for the survival of the species to find people?
It appears at first glance a little foolhardy to think that far.
It looks at the moment is not so that one day we can move in space, as we do today with our cars or airplanes. Still see our efforts in space relatively as if they wanted with a paddle boat the ocean crossing.
The interesting thing about the idea of science fiction, however, that to us, as for the space program, set a target.
Although we know how far out of reach this target, we spare no efforts and risks and then strive relentlessly to achieve them.
still seems to be a solution in sight, but it is not the first time in the history of engineering and physics, that suddenly, unexpectedly and offer surprising new possibilities.