I love montage. Yes, I do actually. As much as I may, of course, the weekends, so I am looking forward on Sunday night to Monday morning. Weekends are nice and lazy, but for the next week I can make all the things I always wanted more, more, faster, make more detail. Diligent work in the garden (just today it was raining, unfortunately), to live healthier and eat less sweet (but grad date, we have yet a few Kuchenrestl the weekend and it would be a pity), a lot of intensive work on the dog training (on the other hand, we were indeed the last days before been so obedient and they nibbled at their level so cute stick). The reassuring feeling on a Monday evening, is that still 4 more days of the week in front of me where I can accomplish all my good intentions, not in a hurry. And if it's really not that happen, we hope to hold the next Monday. Unlike New Year's Day there are of them at least 52 pieces. So I Hangle me from Monday to Monday with dreams and desires and plans. And I kind of like it terribly much.
I love mondays. Yes, I really do. Of course I love the weekends and enjoy them immensely, but on sunday evening I am looking forward the monday morning already. Weekends usually are relaxed, comfortable and lazy, and that´s fine for all of us, but surely next week I will do all the things I always wanted to improve. Being more busy in the garden (unfortunately it was raining today), eating more healthy things and less sweets (but there are some delicious left-overs from the weekend, it would be a shame to throw them away), working harder and more often with little dog (but she was so good during the last days, especially at last dog school hours and just now she is enjoying her wooden stick so much). Some weeks I have very busy and very successful mondays, some weeks they are like today. But that´s also fine to me, because there are further more 4 weekdays ahead where I could achieve all my good intentions. And if not, well, there are in opposite to the New Years day, a minimum of 52 Mondays per year where I could still hope and dream and plan.
My plan for this week was finally to do with the ripple blanket. All colors are already prepared to carefully numbered (yes, this time I'd like to have everything perfect), the needle is sharpened, impatient fingers, and then if I may this book between. So many beautiful knit designs, so many new wonderful pictures in the head as she finished knitted already in the cabinet are ready for me to casually stroll to the city up and down. So again everything thrown to the winds and time again undecided. Knit or crochet? Both simultaneously? The best I do is small at first, a 10-year-old crochet finished, perhaps the next decision is then itself
I wish you a nice week with hopefully more determination and above all the perseverance of your plans.
My plan for this week was to finally start a ripple blanket. All the colors are already well ordered, labeled with numbers because this time I really wanted to be perfect, the needle is waiting, my fingers itching to begin and then ,------- this book arrived . So many beautiful designs, so many pretty images in my mind of me wearing them very casual while in town shopping fruits and vegetables for our healthy new week (and a well-educated little dog at my side). So now, here I am again quite at the beginning - shall I knit or shall I crochet, shall I do both? Do I need beautiful sweaters and cardigans for summer or do I need a big and colourful blanket for our guest room? And therefore I better finish a 10 year old crochet blanket first, I really think it´s time now to do so, and maybe while making slowly stitch by stitch I will settle my decision.
I am wishing you a joyful week with hopefully more will and power to make your decisions and above all much more staying power.