The mass-man shooting rampage in the A life I've felt optimistic that it is possible that the human race is changing for the better. The experiences of a short life I have shown that it is not possible.
It is entirely not the case that the company lacks direction and positive imaging pulses. Whether it is from the direction of religion or philosophy. Both directions, for example, often set their goals too high. And they come with the masses do not, they exposed the mass as a utopia. She is impatient and expects short-term, quick solutions. She is impatient with the knowledge of finite life, they want solutions that are feasible now, although it blocked better long-term solution. And so it is in principle easily seduced by the promise that their loud quick solutions and they may even want to impose by force. The mass is primitive in nature before. I have avoided this claim constantly, because I think it is arrogant. Although they also According to current opinion is still arrogant, it is unfortunately confirmed by experience.
Although the average of the mass is not stupid, but he lacks the ability to develop their own opinions and to to insist or to trust it. Even if the mass of humanity, I would now like to call him once, has a different opinion, which protrudes from the opinion of the masses, it is not prepared to stand up for it and defend his opinion. On the contrary, when he noted that the surrounding majority has a different opinion, he can not withstand the pressure of the other opinion and does it almost unconsciously. He displaces his own opinion, and even goes so far as to identify with the other opinion. The aspiration of the mass man is absolutely unremarkable to exist in the mass. He feels that he is exposed to the project from the ground and thus vulnerable to a power or, whatever kind, exposing risk. The mass man is so willing to take risks in any case. His life motto is to use unobtrusive in the stream of mass every opportunity to work in the mass forward. He does speak, in crouching position and makes sure no one noticed that as his striving forward.
other hand, he quickly succumbs to the persuasive power of people, of which he accepts in principle that they are superior to him. Then, when he observed around him, that the majority accept a man that he is in a situation of resonance. In this case it's a strange phenomenon, this man who has constantly tried quietly in the current to swim with the crowd, it feels so much now confirmed that he ventured out from his crouched position and let the ever-oppressed and controlled feelings. This also explains the amazing, pulse-like eruptive violence and brutality of people who remained unremarkable until then in the crowd.
principle but he has not changed. Because he acts as the surrounding ground, he is not aggressive and brutal, because it is his nature, but because the mass is equal to him, and he does not want to stand out. His natural sense of justice is suppressed by the actions of the majority. He is not cruel and brutal by nature, but because it adapts and will not notice. In his behavior he is a willow in the wind. If the mass
tame around him, he would be with great conviction. It is to master his own way in life, if you follow the story, very successful.